PRESENT: – Susan Irons (KCC), Barry Miller (KCC), Sara McCulloch (KCC), Tommy Cochran (KCC), Angus Carrick Buchanan (KCC), Eric Garrett (KCC), Karl Jackson Barnes (Resident), Ian Morral (Resident), PC Ronnie Boyce (Police Scotland), Alison Sloan (Resident) Steve Sloan (Resident), Elly Baker (Resident), Ros Surtees (Councillor), Margot Nicol (Resident) Ken Smith (Visitor)
APOLOGIES: – Gail Adams (KCC)
PC Ronnie Boyce told the meeting he had nothing to report from the Kirkcolm area. Eric Garrett told the meeting that there is a vast number of taxi’s speeding in the village. PC Ronnie Boyce said he will visit the taxi offices to discuss this matter.
- MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS (6/6/2017, 13/6/2017, 20/6/2017)
The minutes of the private meeting on 6/6/2017 were proposed by Sara McCulloch and seconded by Tommy Cochran.
The minutes of the Kirkcolm Community Council meeting on 13/6/2017 were proposed by Tommy Cochran and seconded by Susan Irons.
The minutes of the private meeting held on 20/6/2017 were proposed by Tommy Cochran and seconded by Sara McCulloch.
- Financial Statement April 1st 2016 – March 31st 2017
Barry Miller (Chair) apologised for this financial statement not being present but ensured it would by the next meeting.
- Other financial matters
Tommy Cochran circulated a ledger to the meeting dating from 1/4/2017 from 14/7/2017. The total in the KCC bank account is £17,367.68 and there is £387.24 in petty cash giving a total of £17,754.92.
- Contractual agreements with Windfarms
Angus Carrick Buchanan gave the meeting a brief introduction to the three windfarms North Rhin’s, Glenapp and Labrax. The Glenapp windfarm contract has at last been signed by all the Community Councils – Kirkcolm, Cairnryan and Ballantrae. The Chair said this was superb news and thanked Angus for all his work on this matter. Angus told the meeting he could not take all the credit as there had been much work already done over the previous few years.
- Gala report
Sara McCulloch reported the gala day had been a remarkable success. Tommy Cochran passed an income and expenditure sheet round reporting this year’s Gala day. The total Gala income was £1,665.53 less expenditure of £1,147.91 leaving a total profit of £517.62 from the day.
- Community asset transfer
The meeting with Jamie Fergusson, Community Development manager was cancelled at the last minute as he could not attend. This meeting was to allow the KCC to gain a general background on this scheme and he will be contacted to rearrange this meeting.
- Clarification on funding application to cut grass in old church yard
Angus Carrick Buchanan told the meeting he had not clarified this yet but it will be put on agenda for next month.
- Grants to community groups from windfarm income
Barry Miller handed round a copy of the grant income pro-forma he had created to be completed when giving out Windfarm money to groups for everyone to look over and asked if anyone had any changes. Angus Carrick Buchanan added that he thought it might need a bit more detail for Foundation Scotland so he will update the form urgently. Tommy Cochran will deliver the cheques to the groups once the pro-forma is ready and can be completed by the beneficiaries.
- Upgraded website
Angus Carrick Buchanan told the meeting that himself and Liam Bailey were due to meet that afternoon but due to other commitments it didn’t happen. Susan Irons said the WordPress theme for the website has been bought and now all the information to be uploaded needs to be collated. The idea for the website is transparency as everything will be on there for everyone to use and print off etc. Karl Jackson Barnes said he collected old photos from the 1920’s, 30’s and 40’s and asked who to email them to. If anyone has anything they wish to donate to the new website photos, anecdotes etc please email them to a member of the KCC.
- WREN funding
This is funding that can be applied for if you are within a ten-mile radius of a landfill and the KCC were going to consider applying for some of this money. The KCC will consider this again on another agenda.
Ian Morral brought up the matter of storage facilities for the KCC and the meeting was told that it had been decided previously that the land at the school was not being bought nor was a garage being rented as the KCC had been offered other free storage space.
Following a discussion on the minute of the meeting held on 6/6/17 the following was proposed and seconded ‘that as far as they are concerned there has been no financial irregularities on behalf of the Community Council’.
This item was put back to the next meeting.
A request has been made from the Senior Citizen’s Welfare Committee for people to put their names forward if they are over 65 and live in the Kirkcolm parish so they have an updated list for this Christmas. A record of their name and postal address is needed to help delivery of Christmas parcels and invitations. If anyone wishes their name to be put on the list please contact Carrie White or Margot Nicol.
Susan Irons told the meeting there had been two main items of correspondence. The first being an email from Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Communities department regarding the review of the Scheme of Establishment which she had already emailed to all CC members. If they want to comment they can all do so personally. The second was a letter from Dumgal Against Pylons to say that Scottish Power Energy Renewables has scaled back the project to just consist of a 30-mile 132kv pylon line from Kendoon to Tongland. Kirkcolm Community Council joined with 58 other Community Councils to achieve this.
Ian Morral asked about which stage the Creetown Initiative had reached with their consultation. Susan Irons informed the meeting that the KCC were meeting with them on Thursday night and they had their first draft of the community plan completed. Steve Sloan suggested that it might be an idea if a member of the community has an area of interest that it would be good for the KCC to be able to reach out to them for assistance. Eric Garrett asked the meeting if there is anything that can be done regarding the Disabled Parking bay on Main Street as it should not be there. As the KCC has already contacted the Dumfries and Galloway Council, Councillor Ros Surtees said she would take up this matter. Sara McCulloch brought up the broken perspex in the bus stop in Bayview Terrace as it is blowing about and is very dangerous to the children. She said she had phoned Dumfries and Galloway Council twice and Susan Irons had emailed them as well. Councillor Ros Surtees said she would enquire into this matter as well. Susan Irons reported to the meeting that she had received an email through Councillor Willie Scobie regarding the request that Bobby McKie had put into the KCC for extra passing places on the Kirminnoch hill to say that Dumfries and Galloway Council do not have the funds at the minute.
The date of the next meeting was set as Tuesday 22nd August 2017 at 7.30pm.