22 August 2017





PRESENT: – Susan Irons (KCC), Thomas Cochrane (KCC), Barry Miller (KCC), Ronnie Boyce (Police Scotland), Carrie White (Senior Citizens Welfare Committee), Tony Agate (Resident), Andrew Giusti (Councillor), Eric Garrett (KCC), Gail Adams (KCC), Jennifer Comery (Church), Jean McKeown (Church/WRI)


APOLOGIES: – Sara McCulloch (KCC)



Ronnie Boyce informed the meeting there was nothing to report in the Kirkcolm area. He did say that the legislation for car safety seats has changed and if anyone/group needed a demonstration the Police would be willing to do this. A good source of information for the public is www.goodeggsafety.com.



The Chair informed the meeting that Angus Carrick Buchanan has resigned as a community councillor on the KCC but is still wishing to help with matters he had ongoing.


Eric Garrett proposed that Cathey Downie, 35 Main Street, Kirkcolm, DG9 0NN be co-opted onto the KCC as a community councillor. This was seconded by Thomas Cochrane and unanimously agreed by all.



The minutes of the previous KCC meeting held on Tuesday 25th July 2017 were proposed by Thomas Cochrane and seconded by Eric Garrett.


  2. Financial Statement April 1st 2016 – March 31st 2017

Last year’s financial statement was passed around. KCC started the year with £20,784.15 in the bank and ended it with £29,211.41. The financial statement was proposed by Thomas Cochrane and seconded by Susan Irons.  It will now be signed by our independent auditor Jim Brown and send into D&G Council. (Appendix 1)

  1. Other financial matters

Thomas Cochrane, Treasurer handed round a financial report including all monies from the last KCC until present. The KCC bank balance was £12,840.76 on 22th August 2017.

  1. Contractual agreements with Windfarms

The contract with Glenapp windfarm has been signed the KCC is currently waiting for the first payment to come through to the bank.

  1. Community Assets Transfer

Barry Miller told the meeting that himself and Susan Irons had met with Kerry Monteith and Jamie Fergusson from D&G Council regarding community asset transfer relating to Kirkcolm Village Hall and the car park. The proposal that was discussed was that the hall and the car park would be transferred to the community. Barry Miller told the meeting that the hall could be open to the public as a meeting place for older residents to cook if they wish, youngsters could use it as well to meet and play. It could perhaps be rented by businesses, make an income through a cafe and broadband facilities could be installed for the public to use. The car park would be kept as it is a car park as it is what it is needed as but could have an income through the garages and the BT exchange. The plan to go ahead and put in an expression of interest to D&G Council was proposed by Eric Garrett and seconded by Gail Adams.

  1. Clarification on funding application to cut grass in old church yard

Barry Miller told the meeting that there was no clarification on this matter yet.

  1. Grants to community groups from windfarm income

Thomas Cochrane told the meeting that the North Rhin’s windfarm money payments had been distributed to the Sailing Club and the WRI. The Brownies, Guides and Senior Citizens Welfare Committee were still to receive their payments.

  1. Upgraded website

Susan Irons informed the meeting that Angus Carrick Buchanan had met with Liam Bailey regarding the new updated website. She also listed the areas discussed to go on the website and told the meeting she had the quote for the work to go ahead. It was decided to put this quote on the next agenda for approval.

  1. WREN funding

There have been no further updates on this funding source.



Barry Miller told the meeting that the KCC had been gave the draft Kirkcolm action plan from the Creetown Initiative and were very pleased with the content. The Creetown Initiative had asked for any changes to be sent to them by the end of August so hopefully the final action plan should be ready by the end of September.



Barry Miller had compiled a paper on a proposal to add to the money the KCC already has and create a 2-mile circular walk down Fishers Lane along the beach to the Scaur and to create a new path along by Kirranrae making it entirely off road and usable by families with buggies and wheelchair users. This would also be supplemented by an environmental scheme to reintroduce a new shingle plant community on the shore side of the Scaur. This was agreed in principal and Barry Miller asked if Eric Garrett and Cathey Downie would work on this proposal together. (Appendix 2)



Barry Miller told the meeting the KCC needed an asset list created so every item was listed, pictured and had details of cost and condition etc attached to it. He asked if Gail Adams and Sara McCulloch would work on this project.



Susan Irons told the meeting the KCC had received an email from Kerry Monteith regarding Community Resilience. As the old members had now left a new team would need to be created for the winter in case of any emergency to help any vulnerable people in the area. Thomas Cochrane said he would be willing to try and put together a group and then each member would be given a list of vulnerable people to check on if need be.


The KCC also received an email from Anne Richards, from the Dhuloch asking the KCC if she could please borrow or hire one of our marquees for her daughter coming over on Saturday 23rd September 2017. It was agreed by all for the KCC to lend her a marquee for a donation to the KCC.


  1. AOCB

Thomas Cochran told the meeting the KCC had received a thank you card from the MS Society for the money given to their charity from the money raised in the car park at this year’s Gala day. It was brought up that the War memorial at the church is needing repointed and one of the bars is loose. Susan Irons will contact the D&G Council through the CCES to ask what can be done regarding this matter. Barry Miller told the meeting that the Corsewall Lighthouse is 200 yesrs old in September and the Lighthouse board are inviting the p7’s from Kirkcolm, Leswalt and Portpatrick schools up to the lighthouse for a day to look around and climb the lighthouse etc.



The next KCC meeting will be held on Tuesday 3rd October 2017 at 7.30pm in Kirkcolm village hall.









Appendix 1


Kirkcolm Community Council Balance sheet  2016/17




Date                     Payer                              Statement No                   Amount


01/04/16      Opening Balance A/C 50023342          51                      18670.63

01/04/16      Opening Balance A/C 10020818          10                         2113.52


Subtotal      Bank Balances                                                            20784.15


                                                                    Deposit No

20/04/16      Petty Cash                                         65                           50.00

05/04/16                                                               63                           70.00

12/07/16      Foundation Scotland windfarm receipt                             3431.41

13/07/16      Gala Income                                      68                        1718.70

02/09/16      Gala Income                                      69                          355.00

03/11/16       D & G Xmas Lights                                                          200.00

23/11/16       D & G Grant                                                                     477.15

22/02/17      The Energy Saving                                                         2125.00


Subtotal      Income                                                                           8427.26


31/03/17         Year End Total                                                 29211.41




Date                  Payee                                 Cheque No                    Amount


11/04/16       Gala Disco                                         150                      150.00

12/04/16      Gala Marquee                                     152                      553.91

17/04/16      School Blinds Repair                           151                      216.55

25/04/16      WC in Fields                                      149                      144.00

07/06/16      Gala Float Cash                                 154                      500.00

09/06/16      Gala Pipe Band (for 2015)                   148                      110.00

09/06/16      Gala IM                                             155                      162.93

17/06/16      Gala Scot Signs                                 153                        12.00

21/07/16      K Bowling club windfarm payment         35                    1480.00

25/08/16      K Nursery windfarm payment                36                    3280.00

25/08/16      K Brownies windfarm payment              38                      400.00

31/08/16      Gala Road Closure                             156                        77.88

01/09/16      MND Donation                                    157                      200.00

14/09/16      Gala Raffle Tickets                             159                      100.48

14/09/16      K Guides windfarm payment                  37                      380.00

11/11/16       Gala Raffle Burgers                            158                      227.50

16/11/16       Gala Classic Cars Donation                 163                        40.00

17/11/16       Gala Bombshell Donation                    160                        40.00

25/11/16       Petty Cash                                         165                        30.00

28/11/16       Xmas Items IM                                   168                      264.75

08/12/16      Lakeland Productions Panto                167                      225.00

13/12/16      Gambling Licence                               166                        20.00

28/12/16      Retiring Auditor Gift                            164                        27.00

19/01/17      Gala Pipe Band Donation (for 16)        162                        40.00

27/01/17      Questionnaire printing (P Caldwell)      169                      120.00

02/03/17      Xmas Hall Hire (2 events)                   170                        86.87

30/03/17      Gala Hall Hire                                     175                        11.40


Sub total Expenses                                                                       8935.27


31/03/17      Closing Balance A/C 5523342                                        20271.21

31/03/17      Closing Balance A/C 10020818                                            4.93


Subtotal Bank Balances                                                                20276.14


31/03/17    Year End Total                                                      29211.41




Appendix 2


Core Path Project   –    Kirkcolm lost plants.

Investigate the possibility of utilising the already secured core path funding of £10,300 to trigger a larger environmental scheme based around a the development of 2 mile circular walking route from the school, down Fishers Lane, along the shore front to the pillbox at the Scaur, along the gravel road then through the wartime cement seaplane hard-standing and possibly linking up with the start point by the creation of a new pathway just inside Kirranrae field alongside the main road. This to be supplemented by an environmental scheme to reintroduce a shingle plant community on the shore side of the Scaur road and possibly other environmental improvements

The deep shingle beach along the foreshore to the Scaur would appear to be the ideal habitat for many of Britain’s more stunning beach and shingle plants. Remnants of colonies of these plants occur around the Luce Bay coast and elsewhere on the Solway and it is likely Loch Ryan lost these plants as a result of civil engineering activities during the War.

The possibility of restoring the type of shingle plant community which almost certainly existed in the past would appear to be a viable and worthwhile project.  If this were done in conjunction with the ‘core path’ funding the creation of the 2 mile circular walk suggested above could be a stunning project well worthy of consideration.

A few of the plants listed below could be among those to consider reintroducing and already occur along the coast in the area – but not in Loch Ryan. – There are very many more.

As well and being attractive this type of environmental improvement would result in an increased biodiversity in both insect and bird life.

The 2 mile walk would not only be of benefit to locals but would be a real asset to the wider Stranraer community and if coupled by the environmental scheme suggested would act as a visitor as well as an educational attraction.

Since the part of this proposed path which follows the coast margin coincides exactly with the planned North Rhins coastal path close co-operation between the two projects will clearly be beneficial. The possibility of enhancing this part of the North Rhins coastal path by making the Kirkcolm section wheelchair accessible with the  incorporation of  rest huts or even toilet facilities is well worthy of consideration.  The fact that the Kirkcolm section of the much larger North Rhins coastal path is readily accessible to a wider public with hard-standing car parking already existing and much of the walk already developed would appear to make these developements  both desirable and achievable.


Some plants which could be re-introduced.

Shingle/sand plant communities are characterised by large attractively flowering plants separated by large swathes of empty shingle. They are deep rooted, often succulent and are self seeding. They are not tightly packed.

Sea-kale is one of the first pioneer species. A type of cabbage, it is a large plant with a mass of white flowers and thick grey-green leaves with a waxy coating to reduce water loss.

Yellow Horned-poppy is another pioneer plant which can withstand the harsh conditions on the coast.

Biting Stonecrop has succulent leaves to help it retain water and grows low to the ground, forming a mat to protect itself from the wind.

Sea-holly is low growing and has silvery coloured, leathery leaves. It grows towards the back of the beach or where there is rather more sand mixed in with the shingle.

Oyster Plant  another critically endangered shingle plant found close to the Cock Inn.

Birds Foot trefoil  common but lovely plant

Bittersweet or Woody Nightshade has red berries and distinctive purple and yellow flowers.
Sea Bindweed also grows low along the ground on shingle and sand dunes. It is very pretty with pink and white flowers and kidney shaped leaves.

Sea Campion is pretty and seemingly delicate. It has very small leaves and grows in mats or cushions to protect itself from the wind.

August 23nd 2017

Kirkcolm Community Council


Chair Dr M Barry Miler

Secretary Susan Irons

Core path Co –coordinators Eric Garrett and Cathy Downie






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