24th July 2018




On Tuesday 24 July 2018 at

7.00pm Kirkcolm Village Hall



PRESENT                                                                            APOLOGIES

Kerry Monteith, Returning Officer                                     Gail Adams

Karen Brownlie, Community Assets Manager                Eric Garrett

Wilma McKeown, Area Committee Administrator

Councillor Ros Surtees

Tommy Cochran

Catherine Downie

Susan Irons

Sara McCulloch (arrived late)

Bobby McKie


  1. Sederunt – 4 Community Councillors Present at start of meeting, 2 Apologies received.


  1. Appointment of the Chair – Catherine Downie was nominated by Tommy Cochran, this was duly accepted. Catherine Downie chaired the rest of the meeting.


  1. Appointment of the Vice-Chair – This was deferred at the start of the meeting and dealt with after Item 13 on this agenda.


  1. Appointment of the Secretary – Susan Irons was nominated by Catherine Downie. This was agreed.


  1. Appointment of the Treasurer – Tommy Cochran was nominated by Bobby McKie. This was agreed.


  1. Dumfries and Galloway Council Induction – Returning Officer Kerry Monteith gave a verbal update on the Scheme of Establishment, Code of Conduct, Conduct at Meetings and the various Office Bearer Roles and responsibilities.


  1. Consider the appointment of the Examiner(s) of Accounts – Mr Jim Brown, retired Accountant would be asked to again be the Examiner of Accounts.


  1. Consider the appointment of any other office bearer or employees – Not required at present.


  1. Consider the co-option of voting & associate members in terms of section 8 of the Scheme for the Establishment of Community Councils in Dumfries & Galloway (“the Scheme”) – Noted the Community Council was at its maximum numbers of 7 and if they wished any further members for specific purposes they could co-opt associate members, as noted in the Scheme.


  1. Consider the appointment of any committees – not required at present.


  1. Consider the production of certified statement of assets and liabilities of former Community Council – Tommy Cochrane, former Treasurer, will produce accounts for the next meeting to update the Committee.


  1. Consider public liability insurance cover – noted that Dumfries and Galloway Council provide blanket public liability insurance cover but that any specific events etc would require to be insured direct by the Community Council themselves.


  1. Consider request to Dumfries & Galloway Council for discretionary grant for the current financial year ending 31 March – Agreed that the Treasurer, Tommy Cochrane would complete the Discretionary Grant forms and return to DGC as soon as possible.


SARA MCCULLOCH joined the meeting (5 Members present)

At this point in the meeting, the Chairman agreed to take item 3 on the agenda again, instead of deferring to the next meeting.  This was agreed.


  1. Appointment of the Vice-Chair – Sara McCulloch was nominated by Tommy Cochran. This was agreed.


  1. Consider the arrangements for adopting the Constitution and drawing up Standing Orders in terms of section 3 of the Scheme and set a date for Extraordinary or Annual General Meeting at which to adopt these. – Agreed to adopt the Constitution as previously agreed and to re-sign the last page with current Chair and Officer Bearer details and return to DGC within the 3-month deadline.




15.1     List of office bearers and Examiner(s) of Accounts to be sent to Dumfries & Galloway Council’s Community Planning and Engagement Business Support Team within one calendar month of the first meeting – completed by RO on the night and returned.


15.2     Community Asset Manager – Karen Brownlie discussed the suggestion by a member of the community at the recent Community Conversation meetings held by the Council to increase the grass cutting around the Church in Kirkcolm and to stop cutting the large area of land in the active Graveyard to compensate this.  Karen agreed that instead of 3 times per year, this could be cut 5 times per year with the community helping in between times if they felt it necessary.  This would continue for the rest of this growing season. This was agreed to for the remainder of the year by the KCC and it was also agreed that it would be reviewed over the winter period by both parties.


It was noted that the Bowling Green had a large petrol Lawnmower they no longer required, and discussions should take place to see if this could be made use of throughout the community by volunteers.  Karen intimated that her staff would be happy to provide training on machinery for any volunteers.


15.2     GDPR – A copy of the email which had been sent to all Community Councils in relation to GDPR information along was given to Susan Irons as Secretary and a copy of the GDPR Flowchart was given to all Community Councillors present as they are all responsible for the data they control.  Agreed that the Community Council would implement correct procedures to comply.


  1. FIX DATES, TIMES AND LOCATIONS FOR ORDINARY MEETINGS OF THE COMMUNITY COUNCIL – Agreed to hold the Community Council meetings monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7.30pm in Kirkcolm Village Hall.


Karen Brownlie, Kerry Monteith left the meeting and Wilma McKeown stayed as a member of the public.




1 Road Closure (Church Road to Main Street – to School – 12.30 – 1pm)– Susan would complete online Application and Bobby would speak with Sergeant Billy McEwan on 25/7/18 to see if possible to get this done for 25 August Susan/Bobby
2 Drinks Licence for Bar Catherine -complete
3 Raffle Tickets – to hold a Community Gala Meeting on Thurs 2 August at 7pm in Village hall (noted Susan on holiday and Sara will open the hall)– Invite all groups to attend.

Groups to take books of raffle tickets to sell and distribute and have some in Kirkcolm Shop if possible

4 Food / Drink – Catherine has secured a discount with Morrisons as well as Sale and Return Catherine – complete
5 Sara to ask Brian if he would open his Burger Van for the day and all profits would be his and asked that he give the Gala Day Funds a contribution Sara
6 Bunting in Village – Agreed Catherine would order the plastic bunting and that the Bowling Green volunteers would assist to put up the bunting down the village. Catherine/Bobby
7 Drum for Fun – Ros would ask if they can attend and play at Gala Day Ros


8 Music Sara
9 Field for Car Park – Kirranrae – Tommy will speak with Mary and the Gala to give donation to MS for this Tommy
10. Galloway Action Team – Susan to confirm with Jackie Rae if his team can come and put up and take down tents – cost had been quoted at £45 ph for 4-5 men Susan
11. Brass Band/ Scottish Dancers – – still to be confirmed ?
12 Gala Queen etc – Susan to order sashes and tiaras and Sara to organise hair/outfits etc Susan/Sara
13. Football on Day – contact Neil McCrone to ask for pitches to be lined for 25 August

Tommy to order goal posts

Brian to order nets for goal posts

Alan Jenkins is organising tournament on the day and Agreed to give him a donation of £50 from Funds






14. Bouncy Castle etc – Nadine will bring these Sara


18        DEFIBRILLATOR – Agreed to discuss at our next meeting the possibility of adopting the Telephone Box on Church Road to store a community Defibrillator if acquired.


  1. LAND AT SHORE/SCAR – Agreed to pay Tommy Cochrane £250 to use his tractor/cutter to cut the area of land at the picnic area and scar road/shore as soon as possible and to discuss future of this at next meeting.


  1. STORAGE –Noted the position with storage and Agreed to get young Eric Garrett to give a quote for the repairing of Brian’s Garage in Car Park soon and to bring this back to next meeting in August.


Noted that some stuff was in storage at Clachan Farm and that Tommy Cochrane would speak with Angus Carrick-Buchan re getting this out for Gala Day.


Noted that Tommy Cochrane is paying for storage at Dalkest Farm at present for Gala Day items and that if we could secure this Garage for after Gala Day on 25 August this would be ideal.


  1. KEEPING KIRKCOLM TIDY – to request assistance from the Community in setting up a group that would be able to Keep Kirkcolm Tidy, cutting grass, weeding, flower planting etc and if a constituted group then could apply for funding for machinery etc to be used within village and surrounding area. – Ask John Ritchie if he would be interested in joining this group.


Meeting finished at 8.17pm

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