13 April 2016

Kirkcolm Community Council

AGM Minutes





      PRESENT: –  Ian Morral-(IM)(Chairman) Karl Jackson-Barnes (Treasurer) Sara McCulloch (SM)-(Vice Chair)  Malcolm Baker (MB)-(KCC Member & Wind Farm Administrator) Peter Joiner (PJ)-(KCC Member)



      IN ATTENDANCE: –  Bobbie McKie ((BM)-Bowling Club)

          Willie Scobie (WS)-(Councillor) Iain Dick (ID)-(Councillor)


APOLOGIES: – Tommy Cochrane (KCC Member) Police.


          The minutes of the last meeting were verified by Malcolm Baker and      seconded by Sara McCulloch. (With amendments to the correct dates and    the charity donation agreed as £200 not £250)


POLICE BUSINESS No attendance by police but message relayed that the enquiries into the scams discussed at a previous meeting were ongoing.

      It was reported that a car  was being driven at excessive speed both within the village and around the country lanes. The chair asked if a registration could be supplied in order that the complaint be passed on to the police.



          The Chairman gave the following report;


The last year began with Malcolm Baker as Chairman and I would like to extend my thanks to Malcolm for the work he did and in other capacities the work which he continues to do for the community.


We were very fortunate with the weather for Gala day which was held for the first time without hiring the school buildings, although this meant additional costs of hiring toilets. The day went well despite an initial problem with the electrical supply. The football tournament, run by Scott Baillie, was very well attended and a huge success as usual. The burgers were a victim of their own success and were sold out well before the end of the day. The gala ran at a loss of £450 this was partially due to the extra costs involved with not using the school buildings.



There had been some problems with loaning out Community Council assets and it was decided that we would no longer loan outside of the community and even then only with the majority of community councillors being in favour we also decided not to loan out any of the new marquees at all.


In July Malcolm resigned as Chairman of the Community Council and I took on the role. That left my former roles of Secretary and Treasurer vacant, Susan Irons took over as Secretary and the post of treasurer was left vacant. Later in the year unopposed elections were held and the following posts were allocated;

myself as Chairman, Sara McCulloch as Vice Chair, Susan Irons as Secretary, Karl Jackson-Barnes as Treasurer, Malcolm Baker as Wind Farm Administrator and Peter Joiner and Tommy Cochrane as voting members.


The Glenn App wind farm passed planning and will begin production in 2017 bringing welcome funds to the community.

The Labrax wind farm was refused planning despite the majority of the public and the community council being in favour of the development. This application is currently subject to an appeal.


In October 2015 the Post Office reopened in the village shop.


We held our third pantomime performance in December which was well attended and was deemed to be the best performance yet. This was closely followed by the switching on of the Christmas lights at the tree and in the hall.


Finally, the improvement works on the core path and bridge were, at long last, carried out, hopefully flooding should now be a thing of the past at the shore. The Wig Bay seating and lookout improvements were also carried out. It is hoped to further improve this area in the future.



          The treasurer gave the following report;

          In the financial year from 5th April 2015 to 4th April 2016.

          The opening balance was £20,532 and the closing balance was £18,721

          £10,500 of this amount is ringfenced for core path works.


          Major expenditure over the year (That is any amount over £200) consisted       of;

          Purchase of a barbecue griddle for the gala burgers    £510

          Pantomime                                                                    £225

          Purchase of marquee                                                    £590

          Christmas lights switch on                                            £214

          (Hall hire, selection boxes and refreshments)

          It was clarified this amount had nothing to do with purchase of new lights.



          All office bearers indicated they were happy to stay in post.

          Ian Morral was proposed as chairman by MB and seconded by PJ

          Sara McCulloch  was proposed as vice chair by IM and seconded by MB

          Susan Irons  was proposed as secretary by SM and seconded by MB

          Karl Jackson-Barnes was proposed as treasurer by SM & seconded by MB

          Malcolm Baker  was proposed as windfarm co-ordinator by IM and       seconded by SM



          This was agreed as Sunday 17th April 2016 at 1pm in the hall.

          (subject to availability)   



          MB Spoke about the Labrax wind farm planning application appeal. A new recorder has been allocated to deal with this and is open to   submissions one of which is a proposal for a windfarm shared ownership      agreement. This scheme would allow up to a 30% share in the company        running  the wind farm to organisations in the area but not exclusively         Community Councils. This would be entirely separate from any wind farm   benefit. The wind farm company have sent an agreement of intent, which           is not legally binding, and a vote was taken as to whether the CC   should           express an interest in this scheme which was agree by all. During the      discussion it was acknowledged that the CC needed to take professional         advice, needed to consult as fully as possible with the community, need to        engage professional accountants and fully explore any liabilities involved.


          SM told the meeting that the pavement outside number 28 Bay View       Terrace was slippery with damp moss. Both councillors present WS & ID   and KCC through the CCES system would follow this up.


          PJ reported that vehicles parked (quite legally) outside Rose Cottage were 

          causing visibility difficulties and the worry is that there could be an        accident caused. There is ample car parking available in both the parking   lay by beginning at the next door property and the car park across the      road. It was agreed to put this to Robert Cowie at D&GC for his        consideration. During this discussion the disabled parking bay opposite     number 48 Main Street (Approximation) was raised.   It seems that   residents are having disagreements over the validity of this   space as      alledgedly no disabled person lives in the property concerned and the   property is not occupied full time. Councillor Scobie advised that a       complaint needed to be made regarding the validity of the application for the parking space. To be followed up using the CCES system.


          Meeting Closes. Next meeting 11th May 2016 at 7.30 in the hall.

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