11 May 2016

Kirkcolm Community Council






PRESENT:- Ian Morral (IM)-Chairman, Sara McCulloch (SM) Vice Chair,

          Thomas Cochrane (TC) KCC Member, Peter Joiner (PJ)  KCC Member,

          Malcolm Baker (Ma) KCC Wind farm Administrator (Joined meeting 46           mins into the meeting due to attendance at a wind farm meeting)



          Marie Bradshaw (M Br)  Resident Jeni Grover (JG) Church Christine    Johnston (CJ) Resident Jean McEown (JM) SWI/Church Jane Stanistreet  

          (JS) School Parent Council Elaine McGregor (EM) Kirkcolm Nursery

          Gail Adams (GA)  School Parent Council


APOLOGIES:- Caroline Keith, Jane Haywood, Police.


POLICE BUSINESS:- Police Scotland had communicated that the only thing to report was that telephone and internet scams are still prevalent and they

asked the community to be aware.


The minutes from the previous meeting were proposed by  Sara McCulloch and seconded by Thomas Cochrane.


IM apologised to the meeting saying that owing to illness the agenda had been prepared in a hurry and items from the previous meeting had not been included for a follow up. IM said that he would re-cap on these items before moving onto the main agenda.


Glen App Wind Farm

At the last meeting accessing the CARES (Community and Renewable Energy Scheme) organisation was discussed IM said he had made contact and had a very constructive phone call where he learned that they would be able to assist KCC with funds for canvassing residents for views on what projects they would like to see wind farm benefit spent on. This would be achieved by putting a tender out to consultants to carry out this consultation within the community.

IM added that CARES would also be able to help with projects once selected.

IM and MB will liaise and set up a meeting with CARES in order to get the tender out to consultants and be in a position at the beginning of July to move forward with this community consultation.

IM went on to discuss the two enquiries sent to the D&G CCES system both of which came back insufficiently answered and it was agreed that the replies were dismissive and and bordered on being rude. It was agreed to re-submit the enquiries.


IM told the meeting that he had been thinking about the security of community council equipment stored unsecured in the hall, the hall keeper had been approached and there was no objection to the suggestion of having a lockable cupboard to store the equipment in. It was agreed by all to action this purchase with a budget of £100.


IM asked the CC members for approval to put a painted tractor tyre at the village boundary planted up with bedding plants. IM had a tyre and paint which would be donated, resident Andy Tompson had bedding plants to donate so the only cost would be for compost. This suggestion was approved.



Various aspects of the gala day were discussed the main points being;

Football Tournament; progress is satisfactory, IM had liaised with the rugby club for the loan of a line marker but this may mean reciprocating with them and lending them our burger hotplate. It had been decided at a previous CC meeting that we would not loan equipment outside of the parish but it was agreed by all that this was acceptable as an exceptional case.

SM was still waiting for confirmation that the bucking bull machine.

IM was still waiting for confirmation that the pipe band were attending.

SM set a date of Sunday 29th May for children to meet in the hall to decorate hats for the gala parade.

SM said the football trophy needed returning from Sandhead school, IM agreed to organise this and also to purchase the medals and print certificates.

SM said she had been approached regarding the sale of chicken wraps and chips, IM asked the meeting if this would undermine the sales of the burgers and hotdogs which were a major earner for the CC. It was agreed not to allow the sale of any other hot food. Following the CC decision to up the number of burgers from 250 to 400 IM had a meeting with Jane Haywood who is in charge of the burger/hotdog stand and she was happy to sell more burgers but thought that 350 would be sufficient. This was debated and agreed on.

The question was asked if the gala king and queen were going to walk or ride in a car in the parade. IM told the meeting that the risk assessment for the parade did not include motor vehicles and the it would be too late to change it.


SM reported a raised kerbstone outside number 10 Bay View Terrace TC to deal with this.


SM told the meeting that the bird sign at the shore at the end of Fishers lane had been removed and asked if we could have a seat and binoculars in this area as has been installed at the Wig Bay car park. IM to enquire why and also why the redundant signs regarding large waves were still in place, as regards seating etc IM suggested it be discussed after the gala when we all have less to do.


The next KCC meeting will be at 7.30 on June 8th.


Meeting closes.













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