11 March 2015





PRESENT: -Malcolm Baker Chairman, Sara McCulloch Vice Chair, Carrie White KCC Member


APOLOGIES: – Ian Morral Secretary&Treasurer.

IN ATTENDANCE: – Colin Rennie, Margaret McCleod and Andrew Hay Community Safety Team,Gayle Allison Police, Bobby McKie Bowls Club, Kirsty Leaper Message Matters, Gemma Hamilton PNE Wind.





The minutes of the last meeting were verified by Carrie White and seconded by Sara McCulloch.



Gayle Allison told the meeting that on Sunday 8th February a male was arrested on Main St Kirkcolm and taken to Stranraer Police Station and then appeared in court.

The meeting was reminded to report any suspicious vehicles or activity noticed. Malcolm Baker said that he and his wife had noticed a vehicle being driven away from the slipway at speed on two nights around the last weekend, this was to be reported.


Community Safety Presentation

Colin Rennie outlined the history of the formation of the Community Safety Team and what their remit is. He told the meeting that dog fouling was the number one complaint they had to deal with and explained how enforcement officers work. Sara McCulloch asked about members of the public reporting offenders and Colin said that evidence had to be corroborated by two witnesses for an offender to be taken to court, however any offence should be reported which would probably result in a letter being sent out to the offender. Malcolm Baker asked if footpaths such as the Wig Bay Walk were covered and was told they were as long as any land was not classed as agricultural.

Colin then covered littering, which he pointed out is a criminal offence in Scotland, fly-tipping and ASBOs. Colin also pointed out that complaints about dogs barking are frequent but that the courts have ruled that an owners dog barking is not an offence. He said that they do have a good deal of success by simply talking to the dog owners regarding problems.

The team also deal with abandoned cars, needles and litter and waste on major roads although this was said to be a relatively minor problem. Sara said she would put contact details of the team into the shop.


Agenda Items;


1-PNE Wind RE Proposed Labrax Windfarm.


Malcolm Baker reported that despite sending an email out to the whole of our distribution list (Including the resident who had complained about the windfarm at a previous KCC meeting) and putting a dual colour notice on the notice board only one member of the public, CC members aside, were at the meeting. Gemma Hamilton said that the public response to the proposed windfarm was largely supportive, Malcolm said he would let the various community organisations know that they can also send in letters of support but these needed to be in by 8th April.


2-Fishers Lane Flooding.


Malcolm Baker told the meeting that Ian Morral had been in touch with D&G Council and had arranged for a drainage channel to be cut to allow drainage of the flood water.


3-Trees at Low Ervie.


Bobby McKie told the meeting that the trees had been cut back.



 4-Gala Groups 10% Payments.

There was a discussion about the groups paying 10% of their profits to the CC and at Ian Morrals suggestion that as the Gala had been showing a profit over the last few years this be waived for this year. Also discussed was whether to use the pony and trap this year, choosing the Gala King and Queen and the purchase of a marquee to replace the damaged one. No decisions were made at this time.





Bobby McKie asked Malcolm Baker why Sara had not been put forward as the successor to Scott Baillie when he resigned as chairman. Malcolm replied that he didn’t know Sara had wanted to take the chair but would have to confer with Ian Morral who was absent to get an answer.


Meeting closes.


Next Meeting AGM 15th April 2015.







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