PRESENT: – Susan Irons (KCC), Barry Miller (KCC), Bobby McKie (Bowling Club), Lorraine Hadden (Resident), Ronnie Boyce (Police Scotland), Thomas Cochrane (KCC), Eric Garrett (KCC), Catherine Downie (KCC), Elaine McGregor (Nursery), Gail Adams (KCC), Sara McCulloch (KCC), Andrew Giusti (Councillor), Ros Surtees (Councillor) Willie Scobie (Councillor), Andrew Ellis (Resident)
PC Ronnie Boyce told the meeting that the Police have joined together with the NHS to launch the Herbert protocol. It includes downloading a form from the Dumfries police site or the NHS site and completing a questionnaire regarding a vulnerable/elderly person in your family. This will lead to a quicker response time and less distress for the families filling in forms in case of the vulnerable person going missing.
Bobby McKie brought up the amount of dog dirt down Fishers Lane and asked if anything could be done about it. It was reported to be a problem on Bayview Terrace and at the Bowling Club as well. PC Ronnie Boyce told the meeting that he will contact the Community Safety Team and ask them to come out to the village but also gave the KCC the telephone number which is 03033 33000 to contact them directly to report any problems.
Susan Irons also reported that a member of the community had emailed her asking for the KCC support as the Kirkcolm primary school alarm has been ringing constantly over the past three weekends. The D&G Council have been contacted by the resident, but they asked for the KCC’s support. PC Ronnie Boyce is going to contact Kirkcolm school and ask if it has been repaired yet.
The minutes of the previous KCC meeting held on 7/11/17 were proposed by Tommy Cochrane and seconded by Sara McCulloch.
a) New website – Susan Irons reported that the new website is up and running. If the community would like anything added or have any comments, please visit the website at
b) Resilience team – A resilience team list has been compiled by Susan Irons and the volunteers are spread over the Kirkcolm area. Included on this list are Susan Irons, Cathey Downie, Barry Miller, Eric Garrett, Eric Garrett (Son), Sara McCulloch, Brian McCulloch, Gail Adams, Diana/Paul Dench, David Drummond, Thomas Drumond, Andrew Drummond, Billy Stewart, John Agnew, Andrew McKeown, Wilma McKeown, Roger Rankin, Bobby McKie, Lorraine Hadden and Andrew Ellis. Tommy Cochran is to email Susan Irons two extra names and numbers. Susan Irons will complete the resilience form and email it to Kerry Monteith. She will also email Kerry regarding the question over who supplies tractors, generators etc.
c) Core path project – Eric Garrett reported that he has been obtaining some quotes. He has approached Robert Farroll who is willing to donate a digger for free and Eric will operate it. The environmental part of the project cannot start until it is known who owns the shore and permission is asked. Barry Miller proposed that Eric Garrett make the decisions regarding this project and be able to spend money accordingly. This was unanimously agreed by all.
d) Christmas events – Sara McCulloch reported that the kids Christmas party on the 23rd December 2017 was a success and around 30 kids and their parents attended. The Christmas light switch on was also a remarkable success. The Christmas lights in the village are to be added to next year.
e) New cups – New cups, saucers, jugs and sugar bowls have been bought and put in the hall kitchen. Susan Irons is to write a letter of thanks to Morrisons through Alison Garrett to thank them for the 2 donated slow cookers and the great price on the selection boxes for the light switch on.
The minutes of the private KCC meeting held on 16/11/17 were proposed by Sara McCulloch and seconded by Susan Irons.
a) Knit and Natter group cheque – The Knit and Natter group have handed their cheque back as they currently don’t have an account to deposit it in. Once they have opened an account the cheque will be written again.
As all the of the £9,500 agreed to be dispersed to the community from the Glenapp windfarm was not gave out and currently £3,440 is left it was discussed as to whether there could be further bids put in for this money. It was agreed this would need to be advertised to all the community if agreed on in the future.
Bobby McKie told the KCC that the Bowling Club cannot use the Glenapp money gave to them for the green as it is now too late and out of season. He asked if they could use the money instead to extend their tool store. Sara McCulloch moved that the Bowling Club be allowed to use the money that they applied for the bowling green to extend their tool store. This was seconded by Cathey Downie and unanimously accepted by all.
Tommy Cochrane circulated the KCC bank statement for November and December 2017 to the meeting. The balance of the account on the 30th October 2017 was £37592.68 and on the 21st December 2017, was £32293.19.
It was agreed by all to store the KCC receipts and documents in the filing cabinets in Kirkcolm hall.
Barry Miller reported to the meeting on the last Labrax meeting he had attended and said they had applied to D&G Council to increase the size of the wind turbines from 100 metres to 110 metres. This has been turned down so will now go in front of the full planning committee. The next Labrax meeting is on Thursday 1st February 2018 and Barry Miller and Susan Irons will attend. Barry Miller told the meeting two members of the KCC have been invited to the Kilgallioch Community Benefit company launch which will distribute funds to groups in Wigtownshire and Ayrshire. This launch is on Thursday 8th February 2018 and Barry Miller and Tommy Cochrane will attend.
Barry Miller told the meeting that before the AGM an asset list should be created if possible and that the KCC balance sheet for the current financial year needs to be circulated in advance beforehand.
Susan Irons told the meeting the KCC had received a letter from D&G Council informing them of Phase 3 of the review of the Amended Scheme of Establishment from Monday 5th until Friday 30th March 2018.
Barry Miller informed the meeting that Kerry Monteith and Karen Brownlie from D&G Council wish to meet with KCC members again regarding Kirkcolm village hall. Bobby McKie said it would be beneficial to research buying torches for the elderly/vulnerable people in the community following on from the success of this a few years ago. It was agreed he would approach Duncan McColm to ask for a price for 25 torches.
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 27th February 2018 at 7.30pm in the Kirkcolm village hall.