9 February 2011





PRESENT: –        Malcolm Baker, Elly Baker, Matt Halliday, Ros Surtees,

Mary Milroy.


APOLOGIES: –   Scott Baillie, Carrie White.

IN ATTENDANCE: –    John Dougan (Councillor), Willie Scobie (Councillor), Kevin Wylie (Police), John Adams (Police), Eleanor Bishop (Resident), Dan Palmer (Free Press), Ian Morral (Resident),

Karl Jackson-Barnes (Resident), Margot Nicol (PTA).



The minutes of the last meeting were verified by Matt Halliday and seconded by Elly Baker.



Kevin Wylie reported that the only incident since the last meeting was an road traffic accident at Solburn, fortunately there were no injuries.

Kevin introduced Detective Sergeant John Adams to give us an explanation of Project Kraken. We were informed that the project was part of border controls to prevent the entry of terrorists into the country. Our part is to perform the role of ‘observers’, not in a pro-active way, but purely to keep our eyes open for unusual or unknown vessels on the water in our area because our local residents and fishermen are aware of all boats which are normally active in the area. The only action to be taken is to contact the Police (Small Ports Unit) on 0845 6005701.



School Heating: – As a result of co-operation between all the interested parties, the village has a school fit for the 21st century. Funding is available for the boiler and for the central heating with budgets spread over this financial year and the next financial year. Implementation schedules are being prepared.

Local Bus Review: – The community council made a return on behalf of the Village. Councillor Scobie suggested that we ask that alternative arrangements be made such as ‘dial a bus etc.’ before any services are withdrawn.

Permanent 20mph Signs: – Councillor Scobie informed us that it appears that two departments have not been effectively communicating with each other. Despite previous agreements to go ahead with the signs, it appears that a ‘benefit framework review’ has been requested. Dave McRobert and John Howell should be contacted.

Windfarm Community Benefit Framework Review: – Scott Baillie and Malcolm Baker will attend a meeting held by the council in Newton Stewart to take part in the review process. Councillor Scobie suggested that we pursue other alternatives followed be other Communities in Scotland, e.g. obtaining a share in a turbine in any new windfarms.

Village Hall Improvement Scheme: – It was established that Kirkcolm did not qualify for the scheme because it did not own the village hall. It was also stated that the hall still has a number of problems with dampness, it was suggested that we arrange an onsite meeting with David Pride. Councillor Dougan subsequently followed up on behalf of the community council.

Community Council Updates: – We were informed of a number of updates relating to the operation of community councils. We are to be registered under the Data Protection Act by Dumfries and Galloway Council. Although we could not find any reason for such registration, it will be done anyway. To qualify for funding from the Council we need to comply rules that there must be two signatures on cheques, and the two persons must not be related. This could be achieved by amending the constitution, or by adopting the rule as a protocol. This should be actioned at the AGM.

Low Flying: – It appears that Portpatrick have had the same problems as Kirkcolm in setting dates for the presentation offered by the RAF, and we will work together to try to set a common date with the RAF.

Gambling Licence:– Elly Baker confirmed that the appropriate licence has been obtained to enable us to run the raffle again this year.



The night was considered a great success by all who attended (approx 40). It was agreed to establish the supper as an annual event. A vote of thanks was made to all members of the community and the community council who made the night happen at very short notice.



There has been a delay in distributing the funds allocated for this years agreed projects. This has happened because the Windfarm has treated the projects as two processes for 2010 and 2011. Solway Heritage have received the funds for 2010, and expected the 2011 funds week commencing 14th February. (All funds were received as promised).



Councillor Scobie informed us that additional funds had been made available and a pro rata increase has been made available for the current year.



It was agreed that increased use of the Hall by local residents would be improved by the ability to put on a bar. It has subsequently transpired that unless the event is a community council sponsored event, a applications for licences must be made by someone holding a personal licence. These can be obtained by attending a one-day course. This needs to be reviewed.


  1. GALA 2011

There is a need to start planning for the Gala that we hope will be held in the traditional month of July once again. A meeting will be called for all interested parties as soon as possible – provisionally 18th Feb.



Litter Picking: – Elly Baker proposed a litter-picking event in conjunction with the school. Last year the pupils asked for this to be organised, and now is the time to act. Elly found information on the Internet and has agreed to discuss the project with the Head Teacher.

PTA: – The PTA asked us to publicise their forthcoming Race Night and Disco. They also asked for help in provision of signs and marshals for the Mini walk planned for the 21st May.




The next meeting will be the Annual General Meeting that will be held in the Village hall on Wednesday 13th April at 7:30 pm.



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