7 November 2017





PRESENT: – Susan Irons (KCC), Thomas Cochrane (KCC), Eric Garrett (KCC), Ronnie Boyce (Police Scotland), Bobby McKie (Bowling Club), Cathey Downie (KCC), Sara McCulloch (KCC), Brian McCulloch (Resident), Andrew Giusti (Councillor), Barry Miller (KCC), Gail Adams (KCC), Willie Scobie (Councillor), Elaine McGregor (Kirkcolm Nursery)



PC Ronnie Boyce told the meeting that all road closures now need to go through Dumfries and Galloway Council as the Police no longer have the authority to close roads for events etc. A discussion took place about the number of speeders coming into the village. Ronnie Boyce told members if any speeding was witnessed the public could note down the car registration plate and contact him and asked Susan Irons is to email his email address to community members.



The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted by all. Proposed by Sara McCulloch and seconded by Gail Adams.



  1. Interim financial statement

Thomas Cochrane distributed the previous month’s KCC bank statement to the meeting. The KCC bank account balance as of 16th October 2017 was £37,592.68. The bank statement is included in the minute as Appendix 1.

  1. Upgraded website/funding

Susan Irons told the meeting that Liam Bailey had the new KCC website ready to be sent to the community councillors for any changes. Susan Irons will email a link to members for their opinions on Wednesday 8th November 2017.

  1. Core path project

Barry Miller told the meeting that the Rhins of Galloway Coastal Path group are holding a meeting in the Kirkcolm hall on Tuesday 14th November 2017 at 7pm til 9pm. Eric Garrett said that he had a meeting arranged with Jackie Rae from the Community Action team next week regarding the core path.

  1. Resilience team/meeting

Cathey Downie and Eric Garrett told the meeting they had attended the community resilience meeting at Dumfries and Galloway Council earlier in the day on behalf of the KCC. The Council were talking about the aftermath of the storms and the idea of sand igloos. These are sheds filled with sand and empty bags for people to fill to take wherever needed in an emergency. It was agreed to hold a special resilience meeting on Tuesday 21st November 2017 at 7.30pm in Kirkcolm hall for everyone to attend.

  1. Update of situation re.Kirkcolm nursery

Sara McCulloch informed the meeting that a new Nursery manager had been appointed that day, Anne Gibson who will be starting on 4th January 2017. The interviews for the nursery practitioner are taking place on Thursday 9th November 2017.

  1. Dead tree near church

Barry Miller told the meeting he had looked at the elm tree, but said in his opinion, although dead branches might fall, he felt the whole tree was not likely to come down in the near future. Sara McCulloch said she had two complaints regarding the tree since the last meeting. Susan Irons is to contact Dumfries and Galloway Council to report the tree and ask for them to cut it down. It was suggested that we ask if members of the community could tidy away the wood afterwards.





The KCC has received applications from the Bowling Club for £3000, the Knit and Natter group for £500, Loch Connel Curling Club for £400, Bayview Playpark a sum towards total cost, Kirkcolm under 5’s nursery for £560, Wigotwnshire Women’s Aid £5000, Ian Morral Senior citizens yoga for £1357.20, Kirkcolm Parent Council for £1700 and Kirkcolm Pupil Council for £1783.79. Bobby McKie spoke to the meeting on behalf of the Bowling Club and said the club currently has 25 members, the money is to go towards the green heads (edges) needing lifted and levelled. Elaine McGregor spoke to the meeting regarding the Kirkcolm under 5’s nursery bid and said the money was to put fencing around the kids play area the Nursery have rented from the Council. Sara McCulloch spoke on behalf of Bayview Playpark to say that she had been working on the playpark for years and a sum of money towards the total would be great. Barry Miller proposed that the KCC have a private meeting on Thursday 16th November to decide on these windfarm applications with the agenda and minutes available on the public record. This was seconded by Thomas Cochrane.



Barry Miller told the meeting that the Halloween party was an enormous success and thanked Susan Irons, Sara McCulloch and Gail Adams for organising it. Sara McCulloch told the meeting that the village Christmas light switch will be held on Saturday 2nd December 2017 at 6.30pm. Also, the Christmas pantomime which is Cinderella this year will be on Wednesday 6th December at 6pm in the village hall, the cost will be a pound which is paid at the door. Eric Garrett will ask Paul Dench (Electrician) to come and help him take the old Christmas decorations down on the outside of the village hall as the KCC are buying new decorations. Sara McCulloch also asked for any volunteers to come and put the Christmas trees and decorations up on Sunday 19th November 2017 at 1pm.



It was decided to buy new cups and saucers and Cathey Downie volunteered to research the best prices. Sara McCulloch told the meeting that the KCC is holding the kids Christmas party on Saturday 23rd December and Douglas the clown magician will be entertaining the kids again.



The date for the next meeting was set as Tuesday 23rd January 2018 at 7.30pm in the village hall.






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