PRESENT: – Susan Irons (KCC), Eric Garrett (KCC), Tommy Cochrane (KCC), Willie Scobie (Councillor), Barry Miller (KCC), Bobby McKie (Bowling Club), Catherine Downie (KCC), Sara McCulloch (KCC), Gail Adams (KCC), Ronnie Boyce (Police Scotland), Andrew Giusti (Councillor)
PC Ronnie Boyce updated the meeting on matters reported the previous month. He contacted the Community Safety Team regarding the dog fouling and 6 tickets have been issued by them to the public. Kirkcolm School was contacted about the school alarm and it is has three major faults in the mother board and the school are seeking funding to replace it. Regarding speeding vehicles two drivers have been traced and suitably advised. PC Boyce also informed the meeting that a male has been charged with vandalism following an incident relating to two vehicles travelling on the A718. It was also brought to PC Boyce’s attention that there have been people parking on the double yellow lines in front of 1-5 Main Street, Kirkcolm.
PC Boyce told the meeting that there is a new pilot scheme being brought out called the Community Speedwatch Initiative in which volunteers from the local community assist the police with addressing the speeding issue within their own communities. The volunteers would be trained how to use a laser gun and would carry out static speed checks within their area using handheld speed detection equipment. They would then note the details of the offending vehicles and pass them onto the police for follow up action. Sergeant Billy McEwan is proposing that all 11 Community Councils in the area group together and apply to the Area Committee for the cost of the laser gun and equipment and then it would shred between them. This scheme has been very successful in England and Wales. It was agreed that this matter was put on the agenda for the next meeting to decide on it.
The minutes of the previous meeting on 23rd January 2018 were proposed by Catherine Downie and seconded by Tommy Cochrane.
a) New website – Barry Miller said there were a few private meetings minutes that were not on the new website. This will be checked and updated.
b) Resilience Team – The KCC resilience team document has been completed and emailed to Kerry Monteith by Susan Irons. Susan Irons told meeting she needed to still print out lists of names and telephone numbers for the team members but asked if she could buy printer cartridges first as was running out of ink. This was agreed by all.
c) Core path project – Eric Garrett told the meeting that we are getting a digger from Robert Farroll and Paul Watson is hopefully going to operate it as he has his ticket. Eric Garrett reported it would probably be done in three stages. Tommy Cochrane said insurance would need to be arranged to cover the digger. Eric Garrett said we should ask Jack and Mary Milroy about renting a piece of land to put the hardcore on to whilst working. Barry Miller told the meeting it was not clear who owns the shore roadway or beach. Susan Irons had contacted the Council and got information from the Land Registry, but it has changed hands many times and the record indicated it was purchased by W and J Barr and Sons (Scotland) Limited but in recent correspondence they say they did not have title to it. We have done an extensive search to try and find out who owns it, so we shall proceed with our plans for the core path.
d) Knit and Natter group cheque – At the last meeting the cheque was given back as they have no bank account but since then have been into the bank and they need to constitute a group to get an account in that name which they do not wan to do. They suggested putting together a bank account in two of their names and give a complete breakdown of how the money is spent. A discussion took place regarding this and it was decided to ask them for a list of stuff they need, and Catherine Downie offered to go and buy it. It was agreed to put an item on the next agenda to form a set of rules for applying for windfarm money. Susan Irons told the meeting that Ian Morral had also contacted her regarding the windfarm money he had applied for the over 60’s exercise group. Susan Irons is to reply to him saying this will all be discussed further at the next meeting.
e) Storage of receipts, documents etc – These are all to be stored in the village hall.
f) Larbrax windfarm – Barry Miller reported that the meeting had basically discussed the same items as the previous meeting he had attended i.e the application to raise the height of the turbines.
g) Kilgallioch Community Benefit Company – Barry Miller told the meeting that this group has £475 thousand to be applied for by constituted groups include Community Councils across Wigtownshire. The first lot of applications are to be in soon but the available figure in years after will rise to 1.2 million pounds. This group are keen to help with purchasing of village halls.
Bobby McKie had purchased the torches for the vulnerable people in the area as discussed at the previous meeting. They cost £14.99 each and he had been able to get 21. Bobby McKie gave the KCC a demonstration of how the torch worked and he will work with Cathey Downie and Sara McCulloch to decide who would best benefit from one of these. The total cost of this project was £314.79.
Tommy Cochrane passed around the KCC bank statement (Appendix 1) for January 2018. The closing balance on the account on the 24th January 2018 was £32,350.34. On the statement cheque 69 for £220 was the payment to the Magician for the kids Christmas party and cheque 64 was the windfarm payment to Lochonell Curling Club. The only credit on the statement was from Dumfries and Galloway Council for the Christmas lights and decoration grant and the KCC admin grant for the year.
Susan Irons reported to the meeting that £3296 the payment from the North Rhins windfarm for this year would be in the KCC bank account on 27/02/18. Susan Irons completed all the paperwork and sent it back to them for this payment to be released.
Barry Miller told the meeting that by 2019 there will be no longer be any money in the D&G Council budget for village halls so unless we take it over ourselves we will not have it. He suggested taking over the hall and making it a community hub. He also suggested using £12000 to cover the costs of running the hall. Willie Scobie told the meeting that he had meet a lady named Jan Faulkner who was great at helping develop ideas on how you could make the hall work for your community. It was decided to set up a separate meeting to discuss the village hall and Willie Scobie will contact Jan Faulkner to come and speak to the KCC.
The Wig Bay slipway has been gated off and there have been rumours that the Sailing Club are moving to Stranraer. It was agreed the KCC write to the owners of the slipway and the Sailing Club to find the position.
Barry Miller suggested to the meeting that we hold a Gala weekend this year. A suggestion was to ask the Wee Duff orchestra to play in the hall on the Saturday night. Another suggestion was to pay a company to put up and take down the marquees to take a lot of the work away from the KCC members especially if it was a weekend long Gala. It was decided to think about the date for the Gala for the next meeting.
It was agreed the official methods of communication will be via emails and on the KCC noticeboard.
Sara McCulloch told the meeting that Alison McAuley had contacted her regarding the Church Easter egg hunt to say that the church will no longer be doing it this year. There were no volunteers to take this on.
Susan Irons told the meeting she had an email from the Dual the A75 group asking that the KCC discuss their aims and hopefully give their group the KCC’s support. It was discussed and decided that as the KCC was non-party political this support could not be given but everyone was very welcome to support it on an individual basis. Susan Irons told the meeting the KCC had received a letter from Alister Jack MP inviting the KCC along to meet with him but as it was felt the KCC had no issues that needed assistance now it was agreed not to attend.
Sara McCulloch informed the meeting that the Kirkcolm Park group had been knocked back for funding from WREN as the project was not big enough. She told the KCC they have now applied to the Wigtown Area Committee and their project will be in Tesco’s next week for the public to put the tokens in the bucket to vote on the groups. Bobby McKie invited the community to the Bowling Clubs race night in Stranraer Bowling club on Friday 23rd March 2018.
The next KCC meeting will be held on Tuesday 20th March 2018 at 7.30pm in the hall. The KCC AGM will be held om Tuesday 24th April 2018 at 7.30pm in the hall.