16 November 2017





PRESENT: – Susan Irons, Barry Miller, Thomas Cochrane, Sara McCulloch, Eric Garrett, Cathey Downie, Gail Adams




A discussion took place regarding the applications for Glenapp windfarm money and the following decisions were made:

Kirkcolm School Parent Council applied for £1700 for bike racks/projector/digital cameras and it was agreed to award them £600.

Ian Morral applied for £1357.20 for senior citizens yoga classes. It was agreed no award could be given at this time due to the Glenapp windfarm rules which state funds cannot be given to an individual where such funds are then used at the discretion of that individual. The KCC invite Ian Morral to establish an organised group and apply again with at least a partial breakdown of how the funding is to be spent. If this is done any reasonable costs paid out meantime could be recouped from the KCC Glenapp community benefit fund.

Knit and Natter Group applied for £500 to purchase commodities and it was agreed to award them £300.

Kirkcolm Bowling club applied for £3000 to upgrade the playing surface and it was agreed to award them £3000.

Kirkcolm Playpark at Bayview Terrace applied for any sum towards play equipment. It was agreed no award would be given at this time, but they could reapply in March if needed once they know the outcome of their other funding applications.

Kirkcolm School Pupil Council applied for £1783.79 to purchase football posts, play equipment and a sandpit. It was agreed the KCC would purchase one set of football posts and nets themselves and donate them to the school as they are used for Gala day. It was also agreed to give the Pupil Council £500 towards toys and the sandpit.

Kirkcolm Nursery applied for £560 towards replacing a perimeter fence and it was agreed to award them the £560.

Loch Connell Curling Club applied for £400 towards transports and strips for the junior’s and it was agreed to award them £400.

Dhuloch recreation club applied for £700 and it was agreed to award them the £700.



Kirkcolm Community Council is very pleased indeed that we have been able to make such a substantial amount of funding available to groups who operate within the Parish to encourage and contribute towards the sense of ‘community’ that benefits all of us who live here.

It was suggested that it would be helpful to the Community Council in securing future funding for the area if groups who received grants were to supply the Community Council with letters, photographs, and invitations to launches of new ventures etc which were funded through the Community Council.

If groups sought publicity for their venture again it would be helpful to the CC if the source of the funding was mentioned.

These suggestions would apply equally to other groups who received funding in an earlier round of applications in 2017.In total since April of 2017 in excess of £14k has been distributed to groups in the Kirkcolm area. In addition to this the CC has staged and financed a number of community events itself.



A reminder that Community Council meeting are public meetings. The more that attend the better we will be able to operate on behalf of the community.


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