PRESENT: – Scott Baillie KCC Chairman, Ian Morral KCC Secretary/Treasurer, Carrie White KCC member, M Baker Resident/ Windfarm Admin’.
APOLOGIES: – R Surtees KCC member, M Nichol Resident,
B McKie Resident
IN ATTENDANCE: – J McLeod WAWA, F Wilson Free Press, S McCulloch Resident, S Pellett Police, L Cochran Parent Council, M McCutcheon Councillor, M Baker resident Windfarm Admin’, W Scobie Councillor, I Dick Councillor, F McCulloch Brownies.
The minutes of the last meeting were verified by Sara McCulloch and seconded by Janet McLeod.
1.POLICE BUSINESS- WPC Siobhan Pellett reported that there had been reports of lost dogs in the village with one terrier being a particular problem. Various people had tried to catch this dog but to no avail. Villagers were encouraged to report to the police any dogs found roaming free.
WPC Pellett also reported that another ‘scam’ is doing the rounds, people are being notified that they have won the Spanish lottery but that this is just a means to get bank and personal details from people. Police advice is to not open any suspicious Emails and give out no personal details.
A drink drugs driving campaign started on 1st June and residents were warned that they may be stopped by the police for testing.
- CULVERT- Ian Morral had been following up the fencing works where contractors had left a large hole in the hedge which gave children easy access to the culvert south of Bay View Terrace. With the help of Councillors Marion McCutcheon and Willie Scobie contractors were chased up and temporary fencing has now been erected until such time as the new hedging plants have grown.
3.HALL GABLE WORKS- Ian Morral told the meeting that Scottish Power had by-passed the electric cables making it safe to work on the building and Willie Scobie said that scaffolding should be erected next week with the repairs taking place soon after.
4.GALA- Scott Baillie told the meeting that the Gala King and Queens and their attendants had been selected Emily Cochran is the Gala Queen and her attendant is Michaela Lyon , Finn McCulloch is the Gala King and Innes Dench is his attendant. Bunting for the Gala will be put up on Saturday 15th June. Because of the power cable hazard and health and safety requirements bunting will not be put up all around the village. Bunting will be put up at the school and on Bay View Terrace where the parade will start and the possibility of bunting at the church and the village hall was discussed. Bunting will be available to any residents who want to decorate their own houses. Weather permitting marquee erection will start at 11am on Friday 21st June.
The Gala running order starts with the parade leaving Bay View Terrace at midday followed by the crowning ceremony on the school field at 12.30 then the football kick off, fancy dress, The Blue Bombshells, bonnie baby, crazy bike (volunteer to run this still needed), Millenium Boxing Club, Loch Ryan Pipe Band, pet parade, welly wanging, football presentation and the raffle draw. The other attractions are a bouncy castle and ball pool, caracature drawing, lifeboat display, beer tent, tea and coffee, baking, pony and trap rides, fire appliance (subject to availability), football coaching, side stalls, car boot, vintage cars and tractors, Border Cars stand and WAWA stall. Most other arrangements have been made and no major problems were reported.
5.ANY OTHER BUSINESS-Sara McCulloch said that there was a need to provide better play facilities for the youngsters in the village. There have been various false starts at getting this organised and it was generally agreed that a younger children’s play park was needed at Bay View Terrace with the playground on Main Street being more suitable for the older children. Various funding sources were explored and Scott Baillie agreed to work with Sara on this.
Scott Baillie raised the point that the Community Council only consisted of four members. Ros Surtees, couldn’t make tonight’s meeting and that if one more member hadn’t been able to make the meeting then the meeting could not have gone ahead as there wouldn’t have been a quorum. It was suggested that we should co-opt two more members to the council, Sara McCulloch and Malcolm Baker said they were happy to help out and Sara was proposed by Ian Morral and seconded by Scott Baillie and Malcolm was proposed by Scott Baillie and seconded by Ian Morral.
Meeting closed.
Next meeting will be 14th August.