PRESENT: – Ian Morral (Chairman) Susan Irons (Secretary) Sara McCulloch (Vice Chair) Malcolm Baker (KCC Member/Windfarm Administrator) Thomas Cochrane (KCC Member)
ATTENDING: – Bobby McKie (Kirkcolm Bowling Club) Mark McFern (Police Scotland) Stella Jefferson (Resident)
APOLOGIES: – Iain Dick (Councillor)
In the following minutes KCC means Kirkcolm Community Council and CC means Community Council.
Verify Minutes of last meeting Proposed by Ian Morral Seconded by Susan Irons.
Police Business
There was an incident reported on the 16th August 2015 where a ‘human’ hand was found but was found to be non-human and part of a seal. There has been a couple of domestic incidents reported in and around the village and surrounding area. The trial is due to start on Monday of the individual accused of starting the fire at Kirkcolm shop. It is hoped that it will receive a positive outcome for the community.
Malcolm Baker asked Mark McFern if there was anything that can be done about the corner and junction at Soleburn as it is really dangerous and could lead to a fatal crash. Mark McFern said they have a Roads Policing Analyst who looks at road hotspots to see if there is a problem. If an area is highlighted the Roads Policing Inspector checks but at the moment this is not the case for this area. He also said possibly talking to the roads department could be a possibility. Mark McFern said he would take it back to his Roads Policing Sergeant to see if there is anything can be done regarding a sign to warn drivers at this area. Bobby McKie commented on the bushes needing cut back to increase visibility. Tommy Cochrane said he would speak to Colin Forbes regarding cutting the bushes back. Mark McFern said he would also talk to Colin Forbes regarding this matter. Tommy Cochrane also suggested talking to Soleburn regarding putting a sign up. Sara McCulloch said she would telephone the Council to get the cutting back of the bushes approved. Mark McFern told Susan Irons he would send her a copy of the pro forma he needs to fill in regarding coming to the Community Council meeting. He also told the meeting he will be attending future Kirkcolm and Cairnryan Community Council meetings.
1 Windfarms
Malcolm Baker told the meeting Glenapp has been approved but the amount is not known yet. They are not going to make any grants or pre payments until windfarm is up and running. Hopefully money will be gave out to the CC late 2016 or early 2017. Malcolm attended a PNE meeting and he said 80% were in support and all of CC’s were in support but it was thrown out. Sara McCulloch said it is being appealed.
Malcolm Baker said the Labrax PNE project was rejected due to spoiling the scenery and people seeing it from their houses and from the ferries. He said it felt all the work the CC and the community did counted for nothing and he is going to compile a structured letter regarding this. Ian Morral said once he had written the letter to put it round all the CC’s members and we would all sign it.
Tommy Cochrane said none of the money the windfarms make go back into our country apart from the money they give to the CC’s. PNE were meant to be putting money into the John Niven Centre and Stranraer Academy towards education, this may no longer happen.
The North Rhins/Greencoats windfarm said the memorandum of understanding said we shouldn’t be applying for money until later on and he said he was going to write straight to Greencoats. Malcolm Baker said the CC has paid out on the Greencoats money on everything apart from two items. He is raising a cheque tomorrow for the old folks Christmas party/gifts. Nothing has happened regarding the defibrillator and the money is still sitting there. He asked who was involved with this and Ian said he would check previous minutes to find out. If they are not going to do anything about the defibrillator we will need to try and get money carried forward to next year. Ian Morral asked if Malcolm Baker thought we should write a formal complaint to Greencoats regarding the way this has all been handled. Malcolm Baker confirmed he thought that we should and said Stoneykirk CC already had done so. Malcolm proposed that we write a formal letter of complaint to Foundation Scotland regarding the way Cara Gillespie has been dealing with things and there has been no communication, no meetings, she disbanded the group and she stated that the existing agreement was not even legal. Roberta Tuckfield has followed up and said it is legal and said that they could not come off without giving a year’s notice. Tommy Cochrane seconded the proposal to write a letter of complaint and it was agreed by all.
2 Policy of Loaning of KCC Assets
Ian Morral said that we need to make a decision on loaning out of KCC assets. Since last meeting there has been two occasions where this has been come up. Firstly Leswalt Association asked for a loan of the PA system and Carrie White asked for a loan of a cool box. Emails were sent out to CC members and they were both agreed on. Ian Morral suggested we keep going on the basis that Susan Irons send an email round everyone for agreement. Sara McCulloch suggested we compile a list of all the items the CC own. Ian Morral said we need to make a list in case the CC ever folds anyway so assets stays in the community under the proposed community trust. It was agreed that we have a simple hire agreement made up saying if an item is broken they repair it, if it is not repairable they replace it which they need to sign. It was also agreed to only lend out the older marquees and to only lend items to people from the Kirkcolm and Leswalt area.
3 Community communication and consultation
Ian Morral told the meeting that the main reason for the CC is to represent the community. He said that we need to be more proactive so proposed we have a CC Facebook page and also if Tommy Cochrane was in agreement having a suggestion box in the shop. Tommy Cochrane agreed to this and said if the public’s name was their suggestions they could then be asked to come to a CC meeting. This proposal was seconded by Tommy Cochrane.
4 Community council pylon working party
Ian Morral told the meeting we had an email from a Community Council group asking for support. Scottish Power Energy Networks are wanting to renew an existing power line across the east of the region. All 33 CC’s over there are dead against this and it is not even following the same route as the existing line. SPEN are saying they need this to handle the extra production from the new windfarms but there has been hardly any consultation. The existing power line is 132 kilo volts and the new line will be 400 kilo volts and the pylons will be a lot higher at 50 metres compared to the old ones at 30 metres. It will running from up near Ballantrae to Carlisle, they are designating corridors not saying exactly where the lines will run. The CC’s have rejected due to effects on scenery, tourism, wildlife and lots of other reasons. The CC’s are willing to work with SPEN to get a solution perhaps running the cables underground or an undersea cable to Carlisle. Ian Morral said he was proposing to back the CC’s to allow consultation to take place. This was seconded by Malcolm Baker with no objections.
Tommy Cochrane told meeting there had been an article in the Free Press regarding the local councillor saying he had did so much for Kirkcolm shop but this was untrue. The Post Office in Kirkcolm shop will be reopening on the 16th October 2015.
Bobby McKie said on the Kirminnoch road between Kirkcolm and the Manse really needs more lay-bys at top of hill in particular. Also just outside the village before Mayhar farm we need another passing place. If two tractors meet there is just not enough space and it is really needed. Tommy Cochrane said he would speak to Colin Forbes and Mayhar farm regarding this. Susan Irons is to contact Dumfries and Galloway Council through the enquiry system to find out which is the best way to approach going about asking for extra lay-bys.
Sara McCulloch told the meeting that the Council had come out and weeded all around the hall but didn’t do anywhere else in Church Road. She said number 1 Bayview Terrace and the small bit going into the field by the BT phone box on Church Road is all brambles and nettles and children are getting scratched and hurt. Sara McCulloch is going to contact relevant organisations to try and get this sorted out.
Ian Morral told the meeting we have the questionnaire of the survey of CC’s come in and gave a few copies out. He also said it can be completed online at, then search “survey” and it is the first on the list.
Ian Morral said we had invoice from Council regarding the road closure on Gala Day. They charged us £79.95 for an advert but it only costs £45 at the Free Press. Ian spoke to the Council and got the bill reduced it was put down to an administrative error. He also spoke about the CC elections, as the forms need to be back for the 25th September 2015. A hard copy was gave out to Tommy Cochrane and Malcolm Baker to be returned to Stephen Jack at Sun Street.
Sara McCulloch asked about figures from gala day Ian said we had made a loss but he will email them to everyone.
Tommy Cochrane asked if he could hire the barbeque for a fishing competition. This was agreed by all.
Bobby McKie said the Bowling Club never had its Fun Day due to the weather but the members are having one a week on Sunday 20th September at 1pm if anyone wishes to attend.
Next meeting Wednesday 11th November 2015 at 7.30pm.
Meeting closes.