Kirkcolm Community Council Draft Minutes
PRESENT:- Ian Morral (IM)-Chairman, Thomas Cochrane (TC) KCC Member, Malcolm Baker (MB) KCC, Wind farm Administrator Sara McCulloch (SM) KCC Member.
Willie Scobie-Councillor, Jean McEown- SWI/Church, Bobbie McKie- Bowling Club, Iain Dick Councillor, Christine Johnston Resident, Lesley Clayton Resident, Alison Sloan Resident, Gail Adams Resident, Mark McFern Police Scotland.
APOLOGIES:- Peter Joiner KCC.
The minutes from the previous meeting were proposed by Malcolm Baker and seconded by Ian Morral.
POLICE BUSINESS:- Police Scotland had nothing to report other than another reminder not to give out personal and bank details as the scammers are still at work. Trading standards have some “We do not buy at the door” stickers and also call screeners available Mark McFern said he would pass on the message that we would be interested in these. He also said trading standards would come out and tell us about the “Trusted Trader Scheme” if we wanted, it was agreed to arrange this for a future meeting.
Ian Morral reported that he had everything in order for the panto to go ahead on December 3rd at 6.30 in the hall other than arranging for the gala king and queen to open the night. (SA to arrange)
- Christmas Lights and Tree
Sara McCulloch has the organising well in hand for this event. Certain items to be purchased SM to liaise with IM for this. The date for dressing up the hall is 20th November at 1PM. All volunteers welcome.
- Kirkcolm Community Trust Constitution
Ian Morral proposed a vote to accept this constitution and proceed with
setting up the trust, seconded by Malcolm Baker.
- Rhins Coastal Path Project
(Community Councillor Thomas Cochrane left the meeting for this item as the proposed path runs across his land)
The project aims to have a path running all around the North and South Rhins coast.
South West Scotland Coastal Path Partnership had asked for the KCC to provide a letter of support for this project to enhance their chances of obtaining funding. This was agreed by the remaining community councillors.
Any Other Business
Ian Morral proposed that we buy a gift for our accounts auditor who has carried out this for the CC for at least the last ten years, this was agreed by all present.
Ian Morral told the meeting that the education department have now offered three proposed sites at the school for our gala storage facility. It was agreed by all that the site nearest to the school best served our purposes, IM to proceed with this.
It was agreed by all to hold future KCC meetings on the second Tuesday of the month as our former secretary had agreed to come back onto the CC but could only attend on Tuesdays.
The next KCC meeting will be at 7.30 on December 13th. Meeting closes.