PRESENT: – Thomas Cochran(KCC), Ros Surtees (Councillor), Susan Irons (KCC), Mark McFern (Police Scotland), Ronnie Boyce (Police Scotland), Barry Miller (KCC), Sara McCulloch (KCC), Angus Carrick Buchanan (KCC), Willie Scobie (Councillor)
APOLOGIES: – Gail Adams (KCC), Andrew Giusti (Councillor) Bobby McKie (Bowling Club), Tommy Sloan (Councillor)
PC Mark McFern introduced PC Ronnie Boyce to the meeting explaining that they would be swopping job roles so Ronnie would be our new contact for the KCC and would be attending future meetings. He went on to tell the meeting that there was an incident on 19/04/2017 at 1.55am at Auchleach Farm, Kirkcolm where David Manson was woken by the sound of a diesel engine vehicle entering then leaving his farm yard without apparently stopping. His sheep dog was also barking. When he went out he found two lengths of barbed wire fencing which had dead moles attached to be cut with wire cutters. He believed the vehicle to have been a car or small van and as there was only one light source seen he believes it to be only one person and he does not believe they were there to steal stock. The vehicle has not been traced yet but may return to the area.
The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Angus Carrick Buchanan and seconded by Sara McCulloch.
- Financial statement April 1st 2016 – March 31st 2017
Thomas Cochrane reported that Jim Brown, KCC bookkeeper was still working on these figures. A discussion took place and it was decided that Jim Brown will be asked to come and speak to the Kirkcolm Community Councillors in a private meeting.
- Other financial matters
An interim statement was passed by the committee and it is inserted at the end of the minutes. It was agreed that financial statements would become a regular feature at KCC meetings.
- Kirkcolm Community Trust
A lengthy discussion took place regarding this matter and Angus Carrick Buchanan suggested that the community councillors discuss this matter at a private meeting. This was agreed by everyone. Following a short conversation regarding the KCC circulation list it was agreed that in future the draft minutes would only be circulated to the community councillors and then circulated around the whole list once approved.
- Contractual agreements with wind farms
Angus Carrick Buchanan talked the meeting through the 3 wind farms we are working with at present. It was agreed the North Rhin’s memorandum of understanding will be uploaded to the KCC website once it has been completed. It was also agreed that the Glenapp minute of agreement would be uploaded to the website once agreed. This minute of agreement is to be reviewed by a solicitor before signing. Regarding the Labrax windfarm, Kirsty Leiper from Brookfield Renewables wants the memorandum of understanding approved by the 30th May 2017.
- Gala report
Sara McCulloch gave a report on how the gala was progressing. It was agreed Susan Irons is to approach the Lochryan Pipe Band to ask if they will walk in the parade. It was further agreed to pay travelling expenses for Owl Magic to attend the Gala. Susan Irons told the meeting that Mrs Baillie has kindly agreed to let us have the portaloos delivered and left at the school. The date and time of the gala meeting was agreed as Sunday 14th May 2017 at 2.30pm at Kirkcolm Bowling club.
Eric Garrett has put himself forward to come onto the Kirkcolm Community Council. It was agreed this will be added to the next agenda.
Willie Scobie told the meeting to contact Jimmy Ferguson from the Dumfries and Galloway Council regarding this matter. It was agreed to ask him to come and speak at a KCC meeting in the future.
Susan Irons, Secretary listed correspondence that the KCC had received in the last month by post or email. It was agreed Angus Carrick Buchanan would follow up the email regarding anti-aircraft guns.
Angus Carrick Buchanan gave the meeting a list of bullet points of information to be added to the new KCC website. He will communicate by email to the community councillors regarding this list and ask them to add any ideas to it. It has already been agreed at a past meeting to pay someone to build the new website and maintain it for the KCC. Ros Surtees told the meeting that the new Kirkcolm shop was opening the next morning, Wednesday 10th May 2017 at 9am and invited people to come along and support. It was agreed to name the core path work as a topic on the next KCC agenda. Willie Scobie told the meeting that the A77 group is launching on Friday 19th May 2017 at 2pm. He also said that on Saturday 17th June 2017 the old town trail is launching as well. Angus Carrick Buchanan stated that he would like to congratulate the newly elected members and this was supported by everyone. It was agreed in the future to only accept apologies from community councillor members.
The date of the agreed private meeting to discuss the finances and the Kirkcolm Trust is Tuesday 6th June at 7.30pm in Kirkcolm hall. The date of the next official KCC meeting is Tuesday 13th June 2017 at 7.30pm in Kirkcolm hall.
Kirkcolm Community Council
Daily Ledger
Date Narrative Type Paid Received Balance
01/04/2017 Total funds brought forward 20325.08 20325.08
01/04/2017 Blue Peter on 29/3/17 Draw prize 171 50.00 20275.08
All day office supplies for ink cartridges 172
And Promorecords Ltd for A4 sheets PC 45.23 20229.85
Creetown Initiative 1st payment 173 2125.00 18104.85
Data Protection 174 35.00 18069.85
Keegan & Pennykid (Insurance Brokers) Ltd
Re Encompass Charity Scheme on 29/3/17 176 145.60 17924.25
WC in Fields for toilets o 17th June 2017 177 156.00 17768.25
25/04/2017 Petty cash cheque 180 500.00 17268.25
25/04/2017 Petty cash from bank PC 500.00 17768.25
27/04/2017 Farmfoods for kids disco PC 18.72 17749.53
27/04/2017 Juice for kids disco PC 5.00 17744.53
27/04/2017 Cochrane stores for kids disco PC 70.00 17674.53
28/04/2017 Talk of the Town re. children’s party 179 150.00 17524.53
04/05/2017 Peter Caldwell for 2000 raffle tickets 181 63.00 17461.53
3363.55 20825.08 17461.53
NB £10,500 of the amount ringfenced for core path works
Whereof: –
Bank account 50023342 17003.38
Petty Cash 458.15