ATTENDING/ Scott Baillie, Matt Halliday, Jennifer Miller,
Carrie White, Elly Baker, Iain Dick, Kevin Wyllie, Jim Hendrie, Lauren Halliday, Margot Nicol, Ian Morral.
APOLOGIES/ Fiona Halliday, Margaret Baillie, Ros Surtees, Eleanor Bishop, Andrew Nicol, Mary Milroy, John Dougan, Janet McLeod.
Meeting opens.
The previous meeting’s minutes are verified by Elly Baker and seconded by Jennifer Miller.
Police Matters
3 used syringes/needles were found in the bin at the bus shelter in Main Street on the 24th November . The matter was reported to the police at 5.30pm and an officer removed the syringes . Cases of this nature are kept track of by police and they believe that in this instance it is an isolated case.
There have been instances of residents finding intruders in their gardens and the police stress that these incidents should be reported to them immediately to allow them to attend. Matt Halliday will put a notice on the board detailing contact instructions and where to call for non urgent advice.
Margot Nicol reports that she received a possible fraudulent phone call purportedly about pet insurance but trying to obtain personal/financial details.
Matters Arising
Iain Dick requests that Kirkcolm Community Council send letters of thanks to Harry Hay and Gordon Ross for their efforts towards ensuring the upgrade of the public hall. On this note the community council reports that there is ingress of water into the hall and that this should be rectified before the decoration works that K.C.C are contributing to are carried out. Iain Dick will e-mail D&G council to push for repairs. There is also a heater hanging off the wall which has been reported but not yet been fixed. The DDA snagging work has not yet been carried out . Wallace Galloway was to get the contractors back to complete this ,but they haven’t been yet. Iain Dick will chase this up.
The Christmas lights were turned on last Saturday and Carrie White states that she thought that this was a very good community event which was well supported and was focussed towards the children of the community. The community council received a grant of £200 for lights and infrastructure £248.87 was taken on the night giving a total income of £448.87 for the event. However the outlay so far has been £556.04 meaning a deficit of £107.17. This should hopefully be subsidised by other events throughout the year but there shouldn’t be the same amount of outlay next year as the new infrastructure will be there.
Jennifer Miller has been approached by two people who were concerned that the community council should not have been giving chocolate to children as their gift from Santa and instead should replace this with a healthy alternative. This will be taken under advisement and discussed when making arrangements for next year’s event.
The community council will donate the surplus selection boxes to both the P.T.A coffee morning and the Sunrays. The surplus mince pies will be donated to the church for their Christmas celebrations.
Jennifer Miller has written the replies to the children’s Santa letters and these will be posted out. It is proposed that next year we approach the Senior Citizens Welfare Committee to write the replies ,possibly on their summer trip.
Feedback from consultation with P.S pupils.
Jennifer Miller spoke at the primary school assembly about the role of the community council in the community and what it can do for them. They were asked to come up with the issues affecting them and what they would like to see in the community. Their suggestions were ;-
1/ Improvements to the swing park including smaller swings for younger children, basketball hoops, see saw, etc.
2/ Badminton for the under 16s.
3/ Organising a beach clean.
4/ Creating a bike track
5/ A Halloween party at the hall.
6/ An Easter Egg roll.
7/ Abolishing charges for the gala day.
8/ A bonfire/fireworks party.
9/ The placing of flashing speed signs in the village/at the school.
While some of these suggestions would be unfeasible or impractical the community council will act on them where practicalities and finances allow. It is suggested that a kids badminton hour prior to the adults badminton could be a possibility but that the issues of disclosure and supervision will have to be investigated. Jennifer Miller will talk to Ann Ferguson to assess options and funding possibilities. Elly Baker will try to ascertain figures and legalities re: fireworks. The community council will liaise with Iain Dick about equipment and logistics for a beach clean.
The Community Council will start to seek sponsorship for next year’s gala day to allow for this year’s event to be matched or improved upon. Main sponsors , individual event sponsors and banner sponsors will all be sought by the members. It is agreed that the Free Press advertisement sponsorships should be done again and that speculative letters to potential title sponsors be sent.
It is agreed that a fundraising event should be organised for the first quarter of the year and it is proposed that this might take the form of a 60’s/70’s and 80’s themed fancy dress disco in the hall although a final decision will have to made in due course.
The Community Council will look at ways to commemorate Harold McCracken’s contribution to the community upon his retirement in the summer and will liaise with the P.T.A on this, with P.T.A members being invited to the next meeting through Margot Nicol.
It is reported that the traffic lights for the water mains renewal works are only working intermittently. Luce Bay will be contacted to advise of the problem and obtain a contact number for when the problem reoccurs. The C.C will also contact Dave McRoberts about the rough road surface where the old water mains burst. Iain Dick will check if repair work is budgeted or scheduled.
The drains in Church Street and Main Street are reported to be overflowing as is a flooding problem at Knockoudie/Ardwell shop.
Meeting Closes.