29 October 2009


MINUTES – MEETING – 29/10/2009


ATTENDING  Matt Halliday (secretary), Jennifer Miller (Vice-Chair), Carrie White (treasurer) , Elly Baker (councillor), Angus Carrick-Buchanan, Fiona Halliday, Margaret Baillie, PC Kevin Wyllie, John White, Willie Scobie, Lauren Halliday (15), Rachel Lightbody (14).

APOLOGIES Scott Baillie, Ros Surtees, Eleanor Bishop, Margot Nicol, Andrew Nicol, Ian Morral


Meeting opens

The meeting is chaired by Jennifer Miller. Everyone is welcomed to the meeting. A new rule is introduced that all items out with the agenda have to be raised through the chair to keep the meeting on track.

The minutes from the previous meeting are verified by Angus Carrick-Buchanan and seconded by Carrie White.


Police Business

A Collie has been reported missing in the village on 29th October answering to the name of Minty.

A letter has been draughted by PC Wylie and John Brodie from D&G council to give 14 days notice for the removal of the ice cream van from the bottom car park. The issue was raised about the adjacent trailers and these will be taken under advisement.

Angus Carrick-Buchanan reported some minor vandalism at High Clachan Farm . This was noted by PC Wylie and will be investigated.

Matters Arising

The issue of the unsafe trees on Fisher’s Lane was taken up By Angus Carrick-Buchanan with Archie Douglas who advised that it should be raised with Maureen the access officer. Willie Scobie suggests that Maureen and possibly Harry Hay should be invited to a future meeting to discuss access and responsibility to/for the Wig circular walk and also Lady Bay . The possible effects of the waterfront redevelopment can also be brought up. Angus Carrick-Buchanan will report back with any further developments re; responsibility.

Angus also informed the meeting that the sign for the notice board that he is kindly donating should be here next week and that he will arrange for the new website address to be added to it.

Under 18 Councillors

The requirement for under 18 contributors to the council was raised and the council thanked and was pleased to see Lauren Halliday (15) and Rachel Lightbody (14) in attendance . The council will need to further investigate the procedures and objectives of getting under 18s onto the council. Investigations will also be made into the possibility of forming an under 18 sub committee which will report to the community council. Steps must be taken to ensure that the ideas come from the under 18s and we will look to setting up a drop in night with games and activities along with questionnaires/question and answer sessions to canvas opinion. A facilitator from KCC will be appointed to supervise and Margaret Baillie volunteered to be the coordinator .Jennifer Miller and Fiona Halliday offered their services as supervisors. A date will be set once the works in the hall are complete. Jennifer Miller will seek to go to Kirkcolm Primary School to get feedback from the pupils to see what their needs are. Angus Carrick-Buchanan proposes that we concentrate on providing for the teen age group for the moment .This is agreed and the council will see how successful this is before we move to lower age groups. Willie Scobie suggests that we look into gaining funding for adventure play from Dumfries and Galloway councils fund for getting youths active.

Xmas Lights

As previously agreed the switch on of the lights will be 5th December at the hall with the decorations being set up on 22nd November. Margaret Baillie proposes activity tables for younger kids and a Santa’s Grotto be set up . Fiona Halliday proposes that one of the activities be making decorations for the tree. These proposals are accepted by the council. Jennifer Miller will approach Alex Sloan to see how he feels about being Santa.

A working group was set up to organise proceedings ,this being Fiona &Lauren Halliday, Margaret and Scott Baillie,Elly Baker ,Willie Scobie , Angus Carrick-Buchanan and Rachel Lightbody . Matt Halliday will convene the group meeting by email.

Willie Scobie states that he thinks the £200 lights grant from the council will be with us imminently and will confirm this.

Bayview Bus Stop

Willie Scobie raises fears from one of his constituents, that children have been climbing on the bus stop roof and that they fear they will fall off into the gap behind the shelter. The Community Council feels that removing the shelter would not be the answer to this problem and that it would be almost impossible to deter children from climbing. Climbing/play equipment at the play park may offer an attractive alternative. Willie Scobie will look into the possibility of the shelter being moved closer into the wall to eliminate the gap.

Public Hall Upgrade

Clive Carruthers gratefully accepted the community council’s offer to contribute the sum of £1500 towards the upgrade/redecoration of the hall.

The community council has been asked to decide on a colour scheme and has decided on the same scheme as Wigtown Hall. Thanks are made to Willie Scobie for all his efforts in securing funding for the hall.

The order for the flooring in the supper room can be changed to better fit in with this colour scheme if necessary. Further volunteers for the painting of the supper room are being sought and the community council has set a completion date by the end of January.


John White announces that the community council website www.kirkcolm.org is up and running and explains the features on the website. Log in and email details and instructions are distributed to the council members. It is agreed that a note will be posted on the village board and an article sent to the Free Press. Additional features for the website are suggested. Willie Scobie suggests progress pictures and updates on the hall and primary school upgrades. Matt Halliday proposes a kids section and a village history section. Willie Scobie suggests that we look into an additional ‘Awards For All’ application for heritage funding.

The council thanks John White for all his hard work on getting the website going. It is suggested we try to get the site linked from Visit Scotland.

The community council will seek to appoint a press officer. Matt Halliday and Angus Carrick-Buchanan will liaise on this.

The PTA has informed the council that due to building works the primary school might not be available for the next gala day. The council will contact Harold McCracken and discuss this at a future meeting.

The works to rectify the smell at the Soleburn have been completed .Matt Halliday will contact Dave McRobert to thank him for his efforts and assistance.


Meeting Closes

The next meeting will be in the public hall on Wednesday 9th December at 7.30pm.

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