Apologies ; John Dougan , Ian Morral
In Attendance ; Margot Nicol(Returning Officer) , Scott Baillie , Matt Halliday , Ian Thompsett , Carrie White , PC Kevin Wylie , Willie Scobie , Ian Dick , Elly Baker , Jennifer Miller , Fiona Halliday , Andrew Nicol , Ros Surtees , Margaret Baillie , Eleanor Bishop , Mary Milroy , Angus Carrick-Buchanan , Janet McLeod .
The returning officer opens the meeting and welcomes the elected councillors Scott Baillie , Matt Halliday , Carrie White , Jennifer Miller , Ros Surtees , Mary Milroy and Elly Baker . Database forms are issued to each councillor to be filled out .
Matt Halliday proposes Scott Baillie as Chairman and Jennifer Miller seconds .
Matt Halliday proposes Jennifer Miller as Vice Chair and Ros Surtees seconds.
Carrie White proposes Matt Halliday as Secretary and Mary Milroy seconds.
Ros Surtees proposes Carrie White as Treasurer and Matt Halliday seconds.
Voting members are Ros Surtees , Mary Milroy and Elly Baker.
The next meeting is set for Thursday 29th July in the public hall .
An advert is to be placed in the notice board for 2 non voting members under the age of 18 to brought onto the council.This will be further discussed at the next meeting.
The issues of appointing an examiner of accounts , any changes to the constitution and insurance are to be considered at future meetings .
PC Wylie informed the council that the ice cream van is close to being removed in accordance with the terms of the Regional Council’s lease.
Complaints have been made of “boy racers” speeding past Wig Bay between 1 and 3 am on Friday and Saturday mornings . There has been an increase in traffic patrols to rectify the matter.Janet McLeod complained of late night off-roading in Fisher’s Lane . PC Wylie said that he would investigate.
A report of torches being seen at the bowling club in the early hours of Tuesday 6th October was made but nothing was found upon investigation.
Hall refurbishment funding
The regional council made an offer of £7000 pounds for the decoration of the hall with a request of £3000 to be paid by the community council .The extent of these works would be limited to internal decoration and repairs/upgrades . These works would not prejudice any future condition report . Peter Nelson wants to push ahead with work but needs a decision on funding by the community council .Eleanor Bishop asks if the work would have to be done by the regional council and Willie Scobie confirms that this is not negotiable and a council approved contractor would have to be used to ensure that the work was up to the required standard.
Angus Carrick-Buchanan had met with Peter Nelson and understood that the work was dependant upon the community council making a contribution and Ian dick concurred with this .Angus Carrick-Buchanan considers that the community council should make some contribution to push for work to go ahead . Elly Baker asks if the community council will have a say in the works and it is agreed that the community council must have oversight as Eleanor Bishop brought up the fact that the last time there was funding supplied for the hall there was no accountability for how it was spent. Jennifer Miller asks who is responsible for funding Health and Safety requirements .
Scott Baillie raised the fact that the community council has already either spent or commited £1400 to the upgrade of the supper room and that this should be taken into account . Angus Carrick-Buchanan suggests that we offer a lower contribution on the back of this. Margaret Baillie urges as hallkeeper that the community council accepts the offer to allow the upgrade of the hall .Ros Surtees proposes that the offer is accepted with a view to negotiating the amount of the community council’s contribution.
A vote is taken as to whether the community council should make a contribution and it is unanimously agreed that we should .
A second vote is taken that the amount should be £1500 and the community council is 6 to 1 in favour.
XMAS Lights
The council have been out again without consultation and have put up the wrong lights , Margaret Baillie will contact them to have this rectified.
The switch on date is decided as 5th December at 6.30pm with the decorations going up on Sunday 22nd November at 1pm . The take down date and any other issues relating to the lights/decorations will be discussed at the next meeting.
“Unsafe” trees in Fisher’s Lane
Janet McLeod reports that on the 4th October an elderly lady was hit by a falling branch on Fisher’s Lane , and asks who has responsibility for the trees thereon . Angus Carrick-Buchanan thinks that the ownership of Fisher’s Lane might be between Corsewall Estate and Kirranrae. Although he says that a falling tree is an act of god ,he will make contact with the access officer to try to get a formal agreement on who has responsibility . Willie Scobie states that unless a road has been adopted by the council it remains the responsibility of the landowner . Angus will report back on this matter at a future meeting.
Previous Meeting’s Minutes
These were verified by Eleanor Bishop with Ian Thompsett seconding .
Matt Halliday offers thanks to the outgoing council members .
Meeting closes.