PRESENT: – Malcolm Baker, Matt Halliday, Ian Morral, Scott Baillie, Karl Jackson-Barnes
APOLOGIES: – Elly Baker, Ros Surtees, Carrie White, Iain Dick
IN ATTENDANCE: – Fraser Wilson – Free Press, John Dougan – Cllr,
J. Potter – Resident, Michael Carr – Energy Agency, Margaret Baillie – Kirkcolm Welfare Committee and Resident, Willie Scobie – Cllr, Margot Nicol – Resident, Andrew Nicol – Resident.
The minutes of the last meeting were verified by Matt Halliday and seconded by Ian Morral
Kevin Wyllie is on a dog-training course in Glasgow and was unable to attend.
ENERGY AGENCY – Presentation by Mr Michael Carr.
Mr Carr introduced himself and outlined the successful record of his Agency that was not only voted the best in the UK, but was number one in the whole of Europe. To date they have reduced emissions by approx 400 tons of CO2 per year.
The agency has Charitable Status and is based in Ayr where they share accommodation, facilities and resources with the Energy Saving Scotland advice centre.
The Energy Agency has been allocated £300,000 to provide advice and to install insulation into suitable properties in the North Rhins.
The key factor is that the service is provided at NO COST TO HOUSE HOLDERS IN THE NORTH RHINS.
Advice can be provided – via partners where appropriate – on all energy issues including renewable energies etc., and suitably qualified individuals may qualify for interest free loans for approved projects. Applications should be made as soon as possible.
It was also indicated that this initiative would consider extensions to unsuitable buildings that were not previously considered. Project turnaround from receipt of application to installation should be under 6 weeks.
The surveys, advice and installation work will be provided by ECA who are based in the general area and employ local labour wherever possible.
Shop and Post Office – It was revealed that interest had been expressed in opening a shop and post office in Kirkcolm. The person wishes to remain anonymous at this stage, but expressed concern about competition from a community shop, and the cost of setting up a Post Office. It was made clear that discussions relating to the possibility of developing a community shop were a last resort if a commercial development is not forthcoming. Malcolm Baker proposed that ‘the Community Council offer all possible encouragement and support to anyone interested in opening a shop – preferably with a Post Office Local attached – in Kirkcolm’ this motion was seconded by Matt Halliday and accepted unanimously by the Community Council. Karl Jackson-Barnes agreed to provide information relating to the Post Office Local conditions and approximate costs to the interested party.
Speed Signs – Again it appears to be one step forward and two steps back. Cllr. Willie Scobie informed us that a work group has been set up by the Council to review and reassess the criteria for 20mph speed signs. There are no plans to change decisions retrospectively. In the mean time, existing actions by the School/Parents Council/PTA to develop safer routes etc. should continue. Cllr. John Dougan agreed, and suggested that improved signage could make an improvement to vehicle speeds and behaviour.
Lighting at Fishers Lane – Linda Felli from Scottish Water is having discussions with the Council relating to the use of their contractors Leslie MWH to do the work and for the council to adopt the lights. Indication’s are promising despite a lack of resources.
Village Hall Repairs – Ian Morral mentioned that despite the clearing of the gutters, they were still full of water because the downspouts were blocked; he cleared them when he installed the Christmas Lights. It appears that some of the work done is defective as before. We have received a schedule for repair work to Windows, Rendering, Power Washing and Roof Repairs between the 9th Jan and 20th Jan 2012. Scott Bailey and Malcolm Baker agreed to get together to review all the work planned against the original lists of work believed to be outstanding.
Glen Ap Windfarm Update – Following the environmental survey on the bird population at the proposed site, there has been a complete review of the plans. The number of turbines planned has been halved from 34 to 17. Scottish Renewables hope to be in apposition to give us an update at our February meeting.
Power Outages – An alarming increase in the frequency and duration of power outages has been reported to Councillors and Community Councillors in recent days. Resident Mr J Potter reported that having invested in ‘Green’ solutions to heat his home by a ground source heat pump that requires 24/7 running to maintain the temperature of his home. He reported 10 to 12 power outages in a matter of days! It also has caused considerable problems to farming activities in the area. Cllr. Willie Scobie said he would write to Scottish Power and invite them to meet with the residents to account for their appalling failure to provide an acceptable service to the area. Cllr. John Dougan will contact MSP John Ferguson who takes a particular interest in the Power industry.
Renewal of Gaming License – Our license for the Gala Raffle is due for renewal by the 31st Dec at a cost of £20. Malcolm Baker proposed renewal seconded by Matt Halliday. The motion was passed unanimously.
Winter Equipment – Scott Baillie has applied for the refilling of grit bins, Shovels and associated protective clothing etc. Scott Baillie also stated that the School Bus Route has not been included in the gritting schedule. This needs to be followed up with the Parents Council.
Malcolm Baker wrote to Mr Charles Clemie requesting an update on the proposals to improve the area around the problem drain. No reply has been received to date!
Cllr Willie Scobie expressed surprise that no one has put in claims for compensation for negligence over the incident. The camera survey of the drain has been done, and the drain is clear.
The secretary received a letter from the ‘Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Economic Development Service, Business Development Team’ informing us that they will be taking over the administration and management of the Community Benefits Funds from Solway Heritage from 31st December. The Council has appointed a Developers Contributions Officer to administer the fund, and to help organisations such as ours to get the most out of the funding we receive. It is not anticipated that there will be any affect on the funding we receive or the projects being considered.
It was agreed that all future funding received towards the lights should be invested in low voltage systems. It was also agreed that Community Council Funds will be used to develop the infrastructure because we are unable to obtain funding because we do not own the hall.
Matt Halliday reported that there are problems in obtaining permission for renovation and improvements to the lookout post. Work will be restricted to a thorough clean up in and around the building. Scottish Water has had to re-route the new sewage pipes from Fishers lane to the Wig. This will give a bonus to the project, as Leslie MWH will re-instate the path for half the route.
- NHS Birthing Suite. The secretary received an email from the secretary of Portpatrick asking for our support in maintaining an adequate service at the Maternity Facility. It seems that service will only be provided between 8am and 5pm. Concern was raised at the meeting that the local Hospital’s A&E facilities are being frequently downgraded due to a lack of suitable staffing. This is not an acceptable level of service given the distance to Dumfries. Kirkcolm Community Council offered its support in whatever way it can.
- Location of new Hospital at Dumfries. It was agreed to make representations during any consultation to request a location to the Stranraer side of Dumfries on the A75.
- Remembrance Wreath. No costs are available yet. Malcolm Baker to obtain information relating to previous years.