PRESENT: – Sara McCulloch (KCC), Susan Irons (KCC), Thomas Cochran (KCC), Gail Adams (Resident), Malcolm Baker (KCC), Willie Scobie (Councillor), Mark McFern (Police), Angus Carrick Buchanan (Resident), Morag Rowley (Loch Ryan Sailing Club)
APOLOGIES: – Ian Morral (KCC), Iain Dick (Councillor), Peter Joiner (KCC)
The minutes of the last meeting were verified by Thomas Cochran and seconded by Sara McCulloch.
Mark McFern from Police Scotland gave the Kirkcolm Community Council a large bundle of “No Buy or Sell at door” stickers. It was discussed and decided that one sticker should be put through every resident’s letterbox. Mark McFern told the meeting that Police Scotland are currently running their festive season drink drive campaign. It runs from the 2nd December 2016 to the 2nd January 2016 in the aim to deter drivers from drinking and driving.
Mark McFern also read the Police Scotland festive message to the meeting which warned members of the public to take care of their possessions, money and protect their payment methods over the festive period. Always put your money straight away and never leave your goods unattended. Be aware of fake goods and when shopping online always make sure it is a secure site and your virus software is up to date. Be aware of genuine emails, if something is too good to be true it usually is.
Angus Carrick Buchanan asked Mark McFern what was the correct telephone number to contact the police in a non-emergency or to report something. The correct number is 101 and Willie Scobie said it was best to ask for the local police station if it was something happening in your local area. Mark McFern said the system will flag up any issues that are constantly reported and the police will act accordingly.
Susan Irons was co-opted onto the Community Council. Proposed by Sara McCulloch and agreed by all present.
Thomas Cochran told the meeting that there were residents who wished to become co-opted onto the KCC, this will be put on the next meeting’s Agenda and dealt with then. He proposed Gail Adams and Sara McCulloch seconded this proposal. Sara McCulloch proposed Barry Miller and Thomas Cochran seconded this proposal. Angus Carrick Buchanan was also proposed by Sara McCulloch and seconded by Thomas Cochran.
Sara McCulloch asked the meeting if they knew where Kirkcolm parish covered exactly. A parent from the school is worried that her second child might not get into Kirkcolm Primary as the numbers are now below 50 meaning the school will probably go down to 2 classes and as she lives near the edges of the parish she is hoping her son doesn’t need to go to another school. Susan Irons commented that as her first child is at Kirkcolm this should hopefully not be an issue.
Malcolm Baker told the meeting that himself and Thomas Cochran had a meeting the previous Monday with the Creetown Initiative. They are going to organise a draft questionnaire for the KCC to ask the residents what they would like to see done with the windfarm money in the future. This is being funded by CARES they have agreed to pay the £8,190. The first draft will be ready in early January to be distributed in February. They will be distributed to every house in the parish and Thomas Cochran has agreed to deal with delivery and collection of the outlying areas. It was suggested to approach the Brownies or school to ask if the children wanted to help with the collection in the village. Everyone that returns their questionnaire will be put into as sweep and one person will win. Thomas Cochran proposed that the prize be a £50 voucher for the Blue Peter in Kirkcolm. Malcolm Baker seconded this so the motion was passed.
It was said that the Creetown Initiative had suggested that a Project manager be put in place for major projects undertaken with the windfarm money. This will be expensive so a proper discussion will be undertaken at the next KCC meeting. Malcolm told the meeting that only 10% of the money can be used top line for expenses and that Labrax windfarm has been granted so that will hopefully be £20,000 in the next 2 to 4 years.
The Kirkcolm Community Trust is being formed to manage these major amounts of money from the windfarm. The trustees now are Malcolm Baker, Ian Morral, Thomas Cochran and Sara McCulloch. The constitution for the Trust has been done and Glen Ap and Labrax windfarm’s have agreed to this constitution. Angus Carrick Buchanan said it could be changed in the future to meet all the needs that arise. Willie Scobie said once the constitution had been agreed that it could be advisable to have the Trustees named by title instead of person such as the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary etc. so that if people moved on the people in these positions can still sign cheques etc. It was said that the constitution should be made available on the KCC website for the public to see. This was agreed and to also put a printed copy in the noticeboard.
Thomas Cochran said he would like to see finance sheets or accounts every month at the KCC meetings. He also asked if the contract with the Glenapp windfarm had been checked by lawyers. Malcolm Baker told the meeting that it had been checked by the Ballantrae CC lawyers as he could not find a local solicitor to undertake this. Angus Carrick Buchanan said that the trustees for the Kirkcolm Community Trust should get the contract checked by lawyers and said perhaps CARES could suggest a lawyer to use. Malcolm Baker said it was about 2 months away from the signing stage.
Date of next meeting is Tuesday 10th January 2017.