12 December 2012




PRESENT: –        Ian Morral, S Baillie, R Surtees, M Baillie, C White.


APOLOGIES: –   M Baker, E Baker, K Wylie, M Halliday.

IN ATTENDANCE: –    W Scobie, M McCutcheon and I Dick – Councillors, L Cochran – Parents Council, K Jackson-Barnes – Resident, B McKie – Bowling Club, J Ashton – Police.



The minutes of the last meeting were verified by Ian Morral and seconded by Carrie White.


POLICE BUSINESS – J Ashton gave apologies for Constable Wylie’s absence and made a brief statement.


1 NEW CONSTITUTION – The new Constitution (including minor modifications to the template provided by D&G Council relating to being a non-party political organisation) was proposed by Scott Baillie and seconded by Ian Morral. The constitution was discussed and it was unanimously agreed to adopt the new constitution, sign it on behalf of KCC and forward it to the council.


2 DATE FOR 2013 ANNUAL GALA – Ros has spoken to Gillian Dickson who prefers the Gala to be held before school breaks up for summer holidays. Voting members had no objections to this and have set date for 29th June 2013. Gala meeting to be held on Wed 30th Jan 2013 and meeting to be advertised in the village notice board, church and letters in school bags asking for interested Parties to attend.


3 UNFINISHED GABLE END OF VILLAGE HALL – Ian Morral felt that this work needs to be finished. Mr Scobie explained the stumbling block was that the electric cable is the main feed to the whole village and the council are complying with health and safety regulations. Suggestions were put forward that Scottish power could possibly put cable underground or have a temporary diversion. Ian Morral argued the building was not watertight as there was a leak in the roof above cable. Ros Surtees suggested a risk assessment needs to be done asking the council what will consequences be if work not carried out. Mr Scobie offered name of contact for Scottish Power Neil Caruthers and Peter Nelson within the Council. Mr Scobie will email these people and send copy to Scott Baillie and update of any developments.


4 CULVERT – Concern has been raised by residents about safety at the culvert installed to prevent flooding at the lower end of the village. Ian Morral brought photographs to show meeting to explain about the grid being wider on top and rubbish now being able to fall through and therefore the possibility that children may also be at risk. Mr Scobie has had a site visit and feels it is exposed and agreed if a child plays there they could slip through. Keith Gillespie designed the culvert to prevent debris from blocking it preventing the entry of water into the drain causing flooding at bottom of village again. As it is now it is doing its job of keeping water flowing. A way needs to be found to accommodate both efficiency and child safety. Bobby McKie made suggestion of covering with 10cm mesh or secondary fencing like sub stations have. Ian Morral took on task of following this item up.

5 ROAD SURFACE PROBLEMS – Village roads, surfaces are coming away and large potholes are reported. We are given to understand that temporary repairs using cold tar are not proving effective, but the use of hot tar made more effective repairs. The road at the village bowling green and school are particularly bad. Mr Scobie said a programme is in place to try and solve these problems and suggested community council contact Colin Forbes to ask where Kirkcolm may be placed within this programme for 2013. Bobby McKie asked if this programme was still running as he thought funding had ran out. Mr Dick was unable to answer definitely but thought more money was being invested in roads this year and Budget for this year is to be decided on Tues 18th Dec. Mr Dick agreed to clarify where Kirkcolm is on the priority list, any money left and get someone to come out to look and prioritise. Community Council will put together a list of bad spots. Mr Dick working with school on the drainage problem outside school and Scott Baillie asked him if he could also get the drain at the entrance to car park in Church Rd checked too.

 6 RECORDING OF COMMUNITY COUNCIL MINUTES – Ian Morral suggested this may be a way forward to help with minute taking as Malcolm Baker, Secretary felt he was unable to fully partake in meetings as he needed to be alert to taking minutes. Ian asked for advice from D&G, they have responded and all objections and stumbling blocks have been removed. Ros questioned if minutes to be recorded at all times and Ian suggested this be the case. Ian Morral proposed the recording of meetings and Scott Baillie seconded the motion. The member voted unanimously to accept the motion with the proviso that all persons attending the meeting be made aware of the recording and give their written consent when signing the attendance sheet.


1 Parking Restrictions at the School. Cars parking on the zigzag lines need to be stopped. Louise Cochran stated the Parent Council held a meeting to discuss and opinions had been very mixed about the extension to current parking restrictions. Some parents felt this meant it was too far for children to be dropped off safely. Plans have gone to consultation and if passed will she wondered how this would be enforced. Mr Scobie informed the meeting community council, himself and parent councils can only give their opinions as consultees and he has reserved his position at the moment as he said the people who it affects have the right to object. He also noted if passed the persons to enforce would be the Police. Louise asked if the community council would be willing to join with the Parent Council to physically go out and map site then make their decision, as they have been unable to make this decision around the table. Louise is to liase with Ros Surtees to arrange a time when this can take place.
2 Bus-Stops In Village – Bobby McKie has been approached by some residents regarding Kings buses not stopping at The Lodge, Main St and at Rose Cottage, Main St. Scott Baillie advised this was in hand and was an ongoing issue being dealt with between him and Councillor McCutcheon. A sign is to be put up again at the Rose Cottage site and Mrs. McCutcheon will follow up.
3 Emergency Light Packs – Bobby McKie reported they had handed out 25 emergency lights and 20 telephones but there were still 12 more lights needed for vulnerable people in the village. He wondered if the community council could fund these then claim back from the Windfarm fund. Carrie white suggested talking back the phones not used and this could fund 5 lights. Councillor Scobie said the Community Council was to be commended on the principal that was agreed but these were still very vulnerable people and this was a good project and a decision should be made if further lights can be purchased this year. As Malcolm Baker was not able to attend meeting and he has the knowledge of the Windfarm funding, no clarification could be made as to using any under spend. Ros suggested funding the final amount for lights but this must be the last for this year. Expectations cannot be raised that the Community Council can be able to fund all. Voting members all agreed to using under spend if they can to buy 12 more emergency lights. Ros felt this shows a spirit of co-operation between the 2 groups. It was raised the names of people receiving emergency items have not yet been given by the sub group. Ian Morral explained this was for accountability and auditing purposes. This is minuted in meetings held on 12 Sept and 17 Oct 2012 that names of people would be listed. Ros brought up the point which she had been asked to raise by Mr B Miller of the sub group (not in attendance at the meeting), that others who had received Windfarm funding had not given names of people benefiting. Margaret Baillie asked it to be noted that the Community Council had access to the complete list of senior citizens who had taken up the offer of the trip part-funded by Windfarm money. It was also clarified by the community council members that the sub groups’ emergency packs were not funded by Windfarm money but by community council funds. Bobby McKie apologised to members and clarified he was under the impression the packs were funded by Windfarm. Recipients of the packs have also been told these are funded by the Windfarm money. Mr Scobie felt confidentiality an issue and the organisation in receipt of the funding are accountable/ responsible for monies given to them and the Council would not have a need to ask for individual names. He stated there is a need to build trust between organisations. Ros stated the original agreement was for list to be given. Louise Cochran agreed this was the case and she was to provide this for the community council. Confidentiality would be upheld and list to be given to Ian Morral treasurer alone for audit purposes.
Carrie White suggested a way to clarify miscommunication about funding would be to for the sub group to approach the Free Press to inform them of the good efforts of the project and stating that Kirkcolm Community Council has provided funding for this project. Louise Cochran and Bobby McKie agreed with this suggestion given that this would promote the sub group and clear up any miscommunications regarding funding.

4 Disruption Caused by New Sewage Works – Bobby suggested that the contractors doing the works on roads could be asked for compensation because of disruption caused to village and this perhaps funding could be  used for additional emergency lights. It was confirmed that they have already made donations to our Gala Days.
5 Windfarm Funding – Clarification was also needed about accountability regarding items purchased with Windfarm funding as to whether they belonged to the community council or organisation receiving them. Scott Baillie felt once purchased was the responsibility/property of organisation receiving. Scott to get clarification from Malcolm on his return.
6 Duke of Edinburgh Awards Students – Carrie White was asking for suggestions for projects which these students could partake in on a weekly basis. Margaret Baillie suggested a Badminton Club or the Red Squirrel Project advertised on West Sound. Community Council members agreed to get their heads together for projects and liase with Carrie.
7 Kirkcolm School Bus Route – Kirkcolm school bus route not gritted as secondary bus route. Mr Scobie has made points to director but no clarification as yet. He asked again today for clarification as he had received complaints this morning. Mr Scobie wants this route changed to a primary route, as there is no use gritting after school starts. Councillor Scobie asking for back up from the elected members and Scott Baillie has agreed to forward an email to Mr Scobie stating their concerns to Mr Scobie who will then pass these to relevant people. Louise Cochran informed meeting that Alistair Speedy had stated to Louise what needs to be done on the routes and will forward to Scott.
8 Xmas Light Switch-on – Margaret Baillie brought up subject and wanted first to say what a very successful night it was however, during the event several young children were unsupervised outside the hall playing on the road. It was suggested signage be used next year to warn motorists of the event and children may be on the road. It was also suggested an announcement at beginning of the night to parents and guardians of children to be aware and responsible for supervision of their own children as Community Council could not be held responsible should anything happen.
9 A request was also made for Dates for all community council meetings to be included on the minutes.

 Minutes taken by M Baillie in M Bakers’ absence.


Next Meeting – 13th February 2013

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